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Title: Salt‐tolerance diversity in diploid and polyploid cotton ( Gossypium ) species

The development of salt‐tolerant genotypes is pivotal for the effective utilization of salinized land and to increase global crop productivity. Several cotton species comprise the most important source of textile fibers globally, and these are increasingly grown on marginal or increasingly saline agroecosystems. The allopolyploid cotton species also provide a model system for polyploid research, of relevance here because polyploidy was suggested to be associated with increased adaptation to stress. To evaluate the genetic variation of salt tolerance among cotton species, 17 diverse accessions of allopolyploid (AD‐genome) and diploid (A‐ and D‐genome)Gossypiumwere evaluated for a total of 29 morphological and physiological traits associated with salt tolerance. For most morphological and physiological traits, cotton accessions showed highly variable responses to 2 weeks of exposure to moderate (50 mmNaCl) and high (100 mmNaCl) hydroponic salinity treatments. Our results showed that the most salt‐tolerant species were the allopolyploidGossypium mustelinumfrom north‐east Brazil, the D‐genome diploidGossypium klotzschianumfrom the Galapagos Islands, followed by the A‐genome diploids of Africa and Asia. Generally, A‐genome accessions outperformed D‐genome cottons under salinity conditions. Allopolyploid accessions from either diploid genomic group did not show significant differences in salt tolerance, but they were more similar to one of the two progenitor lineages. Our findings demonstrate that allopolyploidy in itself need not be associated with increased salinity stress tolerance and provide information for using the secondaryGossypiumgene pool to breed for improved salt tolerance.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
Date Published:
Journal Name:
The Plant Journal
Page Range / eLocation ID:
p. 1135-1151
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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