Behavioral epidemic models incorporating endogenous societal risk
- 10382686
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Quarterly Journal of Economics
- 0033-5533
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Struchiner, Claudio José (Ed.)
- response, where changes in risk perceptions prompt adjustments in contact rates, are crucial for predicting pandemic trajectories. Accurate parameter estimation in these models is vital for validation and precise projections. However, few studies have examined the problem of identifiability in models where disease and behavior parameters must be jointly estimated. To address this gap, we conduct simulation experiments to assess the effect on parameter estimation accuracy of a) delayed risk response, b) neglecting behavioral response in model structure, and c) integrating disease and public behavior data. Our findings reveal systematic biases in estimating behavior parameters even with comprehensive and accurate disease data and a well-structured simulation model when data are limited to the first wave. This is due to the significant delay between evolving risks and societal reactions, corresponding to the duration of a pandemic wave. Moreover, we demonstrate that conventional SEIR models, which disregard behavioral changes, may fit well in the early stages of a pandemic but exhibit significant errors after the initial peak. Furthermore, early on, relatively small data samples of public behavior, such as mobility, can significantly improve estimation accuracy. However, the marginal benefits decline as the pandemic progresses. These results highlight the challenges associated with the joint estimation of disease and behavior parameters in a behavioral epidemic model. -
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COVID-19 highlighted the importance of considering human behavior change when modeling disease dynamics. This led to developing various models that incorporate human behavior. Our objective is to contribute to an in-depth, mathematical examination of such models. Here, we consider a simple deterministic compartmental model with endogenous incorporation of human behavior (i.e., behavioral feedback) through transmission in a classic Susceptible–Exposed–Infectious–Recovered (SEIR) structure. Despite its simplicity, the SEIR structure with behavior (SEIRb) was shown to perform well in forecasting, especially compared to more complicated models. We contrast this model with an SEIR model that excludes endogenous incorporation of behavior. Both models assume permanent immunity to COVID-19, so we also consider a modification of the models which include waning immunity (SEIRS and SEIRSb). We perform equilibria, sensitivity, and identifiability analyses on all models and examine the fidelity of the models to replicate COVID-19 data across the United States. Endogenous incorporation of behavior significantly improves a model’s ability to produce realistic outbreaks. While the two endogenous models are similar with respect to identifiability and sensitivity, the SEIRSb model, with the more accurate assumption of the waning immunity, strengthens the initial SEIRb model by allowing for the existence of an endemic equilibrium, a realistic feature of COVID-19 dynamics. When fitting the model to data, we further consider the addition of simple seasonality affecting disease transmission to highlight the explanatory power of the models.more » « less
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We consider a dynamic Bayesian persuasion setting where a single long-lived sender persuades a stream of ``short-lived'' agents (receivers) by sharing information about a payoff-relevant state. The state transitions are Markovian and the sender seeks to maximize the long-run average reward by committing to a (possibly history-dependent) signaling mechanism. While most previous studies of Markov persuasion consider exogenous agent beliefs that are independent of the chain, we study a more natural variant with endogenous agent beliefs that depend on the chain's realized history. A key challenge to analyze such settings is to model the agents' partial knowledge about the history information. We analyze a Markov persuasion process (MPP) under various information models that differ in the amount of information the receivers have about the history of the process. Specifically, we formulate a general partial-information model where each receiver observes the history with an l period lag. Our technical contribution start with analyzing two benchmark models, i.e., the full-history information model and the no-history information model. We establish an ordering of the sender's payoff as a function of the informativeness of agent's information model (with no-history as the least informative), and develop efficient algorithms to compute optimal solutions for these two benchmarks. For general l, we present the technical challenges in finding an optimal signaling mechanism, where even determining the right dependency on the history becomes difficult. To bypass the difficulties, we use a robustness framework to design a "simple" \emph{history-independent} signaling mechanism that approximately achieves optimal payoff when l is reasonably large.more » « less