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Title: Exploring protein symmetry at the RCSB Protein Data Bank
The symmetry of biological molecules has fascinated structural biologists ever since the structure of hemoglobin was determined. The Protein Data Bank (PDB) archive is the central global archive of three-dimensional (3D), atomic-level structures of biomolecules, providing open access to the results of structural biology research with no limitations on usage. Roughly 40% of the structures in the archive exhibit some type of symmetry, including formal global symmetry, local symmetry, or pseudosymmetry. The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) Protein Data Bank (founding member of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank partnership that jointly manages, curates, and disseminates the archive) provides a variety of tools to assist users interested in exploring the symmetry of biological macromolecules. These tools include multiple modalities for searching and browsing the archive, turnkey methods for biomolecular visualization, documentation, and outreach materials for exploring functional biomolecular symmetry.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Emerging Topics in Life Sciences
Page Range / eLocation ID:
231 to 243
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  1. Abstract

    The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB), funded by the US National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and Department of Energy, has served structural biologists and Protein Data Bank (PDB) data consumers worldwide since 1999. RCSB PDB, a founding member of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) partnership, is the US data center for the global PDB archive housing biomolecular structure data. RCSB PDB is also responsible for the security of PDB data, as the wwPDB‐designated Archive Keeper. Annually, RCSB PDB serves tens of thousands of three‐dimensional (3D) macromolecular structure data depositors (using macromolecular crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and micro‐electron diffraction) from all inhabited continents. RCSB PDB makes PDB data available from its research‐focusedRCSB.orgweb portal at no charge and without usage restrictions to millions of PDB data consumers working in every nation and territory worldwide. In addition, RCSB PDB operates an outreach and educationPDB101.RCSB.orgweb portal that was used by more than 800,000 educators, students, and members of the public during calendar year 2020. This invited Tools Issue contribution describes (i) how the archive is growing and evolving as new experimental methods generate ever larger and more complex biomolecular structures; (ii) the importance of data standards and data remediation in effective management of the archive and facile integration with more than 50 external data resources; and (iii) new tools and features for 3D structure analysis and visualization made available during the past yearviatheRCSB.orgweb portal.

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  2. Abstract

    The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is one of two archival resources for experimental data central to biomedical research and education worldwide (the other key Primary Data Archive in biology being the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration). The PDB currently houses >134,000 atomic level biomolecular structures determined by crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and 3D electron microscopy. It was established in 1971 as the first open‐access, digital‐data resource in biology, and is managed by the Worldwide Protein Data Bank partnership (wwPDB; US PDB operations are conducted by the RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB;; Rutgers University and UC San Diego) and funded by NSF, NIH, and DoE. The RCSB PDB serves as the global Archive Keeper for the wwPDB. During calendar 2016, >591 million structure data files were downloaded from the PDB byData Consumersworking in every sovereign nation recognized by the United Nations. During this same period, the RCSB PDB processed >5300 new atomic level biomolecular structures plus experimental data and metadata coming into the archive fromData Depositorsworking in the Americas and Oceania. In addition, RCSB PDB served >1 million users worldwide with PDB data integrated with ∼40 external data resources providing rich structural views of fundamental biology, biomedicine, and energy sciences, and >600,000 educational website users around the globe. RCSB PDB resources are described in detail together with metrics documenting the impact of access to PDB data on basic and applied research, clinical medicine, education, and the economy.

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  3. Abstract

    The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB,, the US Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB, data center for the global PDB archive, provides access to the PDB data via its research-focused web portal. We report substantial additions to the tools and visualization features available at, which now delivers more than 227000 experimentally determined atomic-level three-dimensional (3D) biostructures stored in the global PDB archive alongside more than 1 million Computed Structure Models (CSMs) of proteins (including models for human, model organisms, select human pathogens, crop plants and organisms important for addressing climate change). In addition to providing support for 3D structure motif searches with user-provided coordinates, new features highlighted herein include query results organized by redundancy-reduced Groups and summary pages that facilitate exploration of groups of similar proteins. Newly released programmatic tools are also described, as are enhanced training opportunities.

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  4. Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (e.g., AlphaFold, RosettaFold, and ESMFold) enable prediction of three-dimensional (3D) protein structures from amino acid sequences alone at accuracies comparable to lower-resolution experimental methods. These tools have been employed to predict structures across entire proteomes and the results of large-scale metagenomic sequence studies, yielding an exponential increase in available biomolecular 3D structural information. Given the enormous volume of this newly computed biostructure data, there is an urgent need for robust tools to manage, search, cluster, and visualize large collections of structures. Equally important is the capability to efficiently summarize and visualize metadata, biological/biochemical annotations, and structural features, particularly when working with vast numbers of protein structures of both experimental origin from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and computationally-predicted models. Moreover, researchers require advanced visualization techniques that support interactive exploration of multiple sequences and structural alignments. This paper introduces a suite of tools provided on the RCSB PDB research-focused web portal RCSB. org, tailor-made for efficient management, search, organization, and visualization of this burgeoning corpus of 3D macromolecular structure data.

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  5. The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB), funded by the United States National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and Department of Energy, supports structural biologists and Protein Data Bank (PDB) data users around the world. The RCSB PDB, a founding member of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) partnership, serves as the US data center for the global PDB archive housing experimentally-determined three-dimensional (3D) structure data for biological macromolecules. As the wwPDB-designated Archive Keeper, RCSB PDB is also responsible for the security of PDB data and weekly update of the archive. RCSB PDB serves tens of thousands of data depositors (using macromolecular crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and micro-electron diffraction) annually working on all permanently inhabited continents. RCSB PDB makes PDB data available from its research-focused web portal at no charge and without usage restrictions to many millions of PDB data consumers around the globe. It also provides educators, students, and the general public with an introduction to the PDB and related training materials through its outreach and education-focused web portal. This review article describes growth of the PDB, examines evolution of experimental methods for structure determination viewed through the lens of the PDB archive, and provides a detailed accounting of PDB archival holdings and their utilization by researchers, educators, and students worldwide. 
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