Local full diurnal coverage of temperature variations across the turbopause (∼90–115 km altitude) is achieved by combining the nocturnal observations of a Sodium (Na) Doppler lidar on the Utah State University (USU) campus (41.7°N, 248.2°E) and NASA Michelson interferometer for global high‐resolution thermospheric imaging (MIGHTI)/Ionospheric connection explorer (ICON) daytime observations made in the same vicinity. In this study, utilizing this hybrid data set during summer 2020 between June 12th and July 15th, we retrieve the temperature signatures of diurnal and semidiurnal tides in this region. The tidal amplitudes of both components have similar vertical variation with increasing altitude: less than 5 K below ∼98 km but increase considerably above, up to 19 K near 104 km. Both experience significant dissipation near turbopause altitudes, down to ∼12 K up to 113 km for the diurnal tide and ∼13 K for the semidiurnal tide near 110 km. In addition, while the semidiurnal tidal behavior is consistent with the theoretical predictions, the diurnal amplitude is considerably larger than what is expected in the turbopause region. The tidal phase profile shows a dominance of tidal components with a long vertical wavelength (longer than 40 km) for the semidiurnal tide. On the other hand, the diurnal tide demonstrates close to an evanescent wave behavior in the turbopause region, which is absent in the model results and Thermosphere ionosphere mesosphere energetics and dynamics (TIMED)/Sounding of the atmosphere using broadband radiometry (SABER) observations.
- 10386928
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Space Science Reviews
- Volume:
- 218
- Issue:
- 8
- 0038-6308
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract -
Abstract Rotational temperatures in the Mesosphere‐Lower Thermosphere region are estimated by utilizing the OH(6,2) Meinel band nightglow data obtained with an Ebert‐Fastie spectrometer (EFS) operated at Arecibo Observatory (AO), Puerto Rico (18.35°N, 66.75°W) during February‐April 2005. To validate the estimated rotational temperatures, a comparison with temperatures obtained from a co‐located Potassium Temperature Lidar (K‐Lidar) and overhead passes of the Sounding of the Atmosphere by Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) instrument onboard NASA's Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite is performed. Two types of weighting functions are applied to the K‐Lidar temperature profiles to compare them with EFS temperatures. The first type has a fixed peak altitude and a fixed full width at half maximum (FWHM) for the whole night. In the second type, the peak altitude and FWHM vary with the local time. SABER measurements are utilized to estimate the OH(6,2) band peak altitudes and FWHMs as a function of local time and considerable temporal variations are observed in both the parameters. The average temperature differences between the EFS and K‐Lidar obtained with both types of weighting functions are comparable with previously published results from different latitude‐longitude sectors. We found that the temperature comparison improves when the time‐varying weighting functions are considered. Comparison between EFS, K‐Lidar, and SABER temperatures reveal that on average, SABER temperatures are lower than the other two instruments and K‐Lidar temperatures compare better with SABER in comparison to EFS. Such a detailed study using the AO EFS data has not been carried out previously.
Abstract Thermospheric data assimilation is limited due to the lack of continuous observation of the neutral state. Recently, the thermospheric wind data from the Michelson Interferometer for Global High‐resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) on NASA's Ionospheric CONnection Explorer (ICON) became available. ICON/MIGHTI provides near‐continuous observations of the mid‐ and low‐latitude thermospheric meridional and zonal winds ICON/MIGHTI observes the thermosphere zonal and meridional winds at low‐middle latitudes between 90 and 300 km during the daytime, and 90–105 and above 210 km during the nighttime. This study assesses the impact of assimilating ICON/MIGHTI winds in the National Center for Atmospheric Research Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere‐ionosphere eXtension (WACCM‐X) + Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) on the specification and short‐term forecasting of the thermosphere. Observing system simulation experiments of WACCM‐X + DART with and without assimilating synthetic ICON/MIGHTI meridional and zonal wind profiles are performed. The result shows that this new data set can correct the wind specification throughout the mid‐ and low‐latitude thermosphere, especially around the 90–160 km altitude region. A notable impact is also shown in the region above 300 km altitude, which is above the altitude of ICON/MIGHTI wind observations. The impact of ICON/MIGHTI data on the zonal wind field is larger than on the meridional wind field. The errors of the ensemble mean from the truth of meridional and zonal wind fields in the mid‐and low‐latitude region are reduced by 6% and 12%, respectively, with the help of ICON/MIGHTI wind data.
Abstract Meteor radar observations provide wind data ranging from 80 to 100 km altitude, while the Michaelson Interferometer for Global High‐resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI) onboard the Ionospheric Connection Explorer satellite offers wind data above 90 km altitude. This study aims to generate wind profiles in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere by combining the winds derived from meteor radar and MIGHTI observations over the Korean Peninsula from January 2020 to December 2021. The wind profiles derived from the two instruments are continuous at night, but they show discrepancies during the day. The atomic oxygen 557.7 nm (green line) emission intensity measured by MIGHTI peaks at approximately 100 km during the day and 94 km at night. The vertical gradient of the airglow volume emission rate is more pronounced during the day. These differences can cause day‐night differences in the MIGHTI wind retrieval accuracy, potentially leading to discrepancies during the day.
Abstract This article presents the results of a week of observations around the 2 July 2019, total Chilean eclipse. The eclipse occurred between 19:22 and 21:46 UTC, with complete sun disc obscuration at 20:38–20:40 UTC (16:38–16:40 LT) over the Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO) at (30.3°S, 70.7°W). Observations were carried out using ALO instrumentation with the goal to observe possible eclipse‐induced effects on the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region (MLT; 75–105 km altitude). To complement our data set, we have also utilized TIMED/SABER temperatures and ionosonde electron density measurements taken at the University of La Serena's Juan Soldado Observatory. Observed events include an unusual fast, bow‐shaped gravity wave structure in airglow images, mesosphere temperature mapper brightness as well as in lidar temperature with 150 km horizontal wavelength 24 min observed period, and vertical wavelength of 25 km. Also, a strong zonal wind shear above 100 km in meteor radar scans as well as the occurrence of a sporadic E layer around 100 km from ionosonde measurements. Finally, variations in temperature and density and the presence of a descending sporadic sodium layer near 98 km were seen in lidar data. We discuss the effects of the eclipse in the MLT, which can shed light on a sparse set of measurements during this type of event. Our results point out several effects of eclipse‐associated changes in the atmosphere below and above but not directly within the MLT.