- Award ID(s):
- 2048227
- 10393535
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Nature Communications
- Volume:
- 13
- Issue:
- 1
- 2041-1723
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Non-perennial rivers and streams make up over half the global river network and are becoming more widespread. Transitions from perennial to non-perennial flow are a threshold-type change that can lead to alternative stable states in aquatic ecosystems, but it is unknown whether streamflow itself is stable in either wet (flowing) or dry (no-flow) conditions. Here, we investigated drivers and feedbacks associated with regime shifts between wet and dry conditions in an intermittent reach of the Arkansas River (USA) over the past 23 years. Multiple lines of evidence suggested that these regimes represent alternative stable states, including (a) significant jumps in discharge time series that were not accompanied by jumps in flow drivers such as precipitation and groundwater pumping; (b) a multi-modal state distribution with 92% of months experiencing no-flow conditions for <10% or >90% of days, despite unimodal distributions of precipitation and pumping; and (c) a hysteretic relationship between climate and flow state. Groundwater levels appear to be the primary control over the hydrological regime, as groundwater levels in the alluvial aquifer were higher than the stream stage during wet regimes and lower than the streambed during dry regimes. Groundwater level variation, in turn, was driven by processes occurring at both the regional scale (surface water inflows from upstream, groundwater pumping) and the reach scale (stream–aquifer exchange, diffuse recharge through the soil column). Historical regime shifts were associated with diverse pressures including network disconnection caused by upstream water use, increased flow stability potentially associated with reservoir operations, and anomalous wet and dry climate conditions. In sum, stabilizing feedbacks among upstream inflows, stream–aquifer interactions, climate, vegetation, and pumping appear to create alternative wet and dry stable states at this site. These stabilizing feedbacks suggest that widespread observed shifts from perennial to non-perennial flow will be difficult to reverse.more » « less
Abstract Confining clay layers typically protect groundwater aquifers against downward intrusion of contaminants. In the context of groundwater arsenic in Bangladesh, we challenge this notion here by showing that organic carbon drawn from a clay layer into a low-arsenic pre-Holocene (>12 kyr-old) aquifer promotes the reductive dissolution of iron oxides and the release of arsenic. The finding explains a steady rise in arsenic concentrations in a pre-Holocene aquifer below such a clay layer and the repeated failure of a structurally sound community well. Tritium measurements indicate that groundwater from the affected depth interval (40–50 m) was recharged >60 years ago. Deeper (55–65 m) groundwater in the same pre-Holocene aquifer was recharged only 10–50 years ago but is still low in arsenic. Proximity to a confining clay layer that expels organic carbon as an indirect response to groundwater pumping, rather than directly accelerated recharge, caused arsenic contamination of this pre-Holocene aquifer.
Abstract Managing fragile island freshwater resources requires identifying pumping strategies that trade off the financial cost of groundwater supply against controlling the seawater intrusion (SWI) associated with aquifer pumping. In this work, these tradeoffs are investigated through a sensitivity analysis conducted in the context of an optimization formulation of the groundwater management problem, which aims at minimizing the groundwater supply operation cost associated with groundwater pumping and desalination treatment, subject to constraints on SWI control, as quantified by the water table drawdown over the well (∆
s ), the reduction in freshwater volume (∆FV ) in the aquifer, or the salt mass increase (∆SM ) in the aquifer. This study focuses on a simplified two‐dimensional model of the San Salvador Island aquifer (Bahamas). Pumping strategies are characterized by the distance of the pumping system from the shoreline (WL ), the abstraction screen depth (D ) and overall pumping rate (Q ), constituting the decision variables of the optimization problem. We investigate the impacts of pumping strategies on the operation cost, ∆s , ∆FV and ∆SM . Findings indicate increasingD or decreasingWL reduces ∆s , ∆FV and ∆SM , thus preserving the aquifer hydrogeologic stability, but also leads to extracting saltier groundwater, thus increasing the water treatment requirements, which have a strong impact on the overall groundwater supply cost. From a financial perspective, groundwater abstraction near the island center and at shallow depths seems the most convenient strategy. However, the analysis of the optimization constraints reveals that strategies where the pumping system approaches the island center tend to cause more severe SWI, highlighting the need to trade off groundwater supply cost against SWI control. -
Abstract Many irrigated agricultural areas seek to prolong the lifetime of their groundwater resources by reducing pumping. However, it is unclear how lagged responses, such as reduced groundwater recharge caused by more efficient irrigation, may impact the long‐term effectiveness of conservation initiatives. Here, we use a variably saturated, simplified surrogate groundwater model to: (a) analyze aquifer responses to pumping reductions, (b) quantify time lags between reductions and groundwater level responses, and (c) identify the physical controls on lagged responses. We explore a range of plausible model parameters for an area of the High Plains aquifer (USA) where stakeholder‐driven conservation has slowed groundwater depletion. We identify two types of lagged responses that reduce the long‐term effectiveness of groundwater conservation, recharge‐dominated and lateral‐flow‐dominated, with vertical hydraulic conductivity (
K Z) the major controlling variable. When highK Zallows percolation to reach the aquifer, more efficient irrigation reduces groundwater recharge. By contrast, when lowK Zimpedes vertical flow, short term changes in recharge are negligible, but pumping reductions alter the lateral flow between the groundwater conservation area and the surrounding regions (lateral‐flow‐dominated response). For the modeled area, we found that a pumping reduction of 30% resulted in median usable lifetime extensions of 20 or 25 years, depending on the dominant lagged response mechanism (recharge‐ vs. lateral‐flow‐dominated). These estimates are far shorter than estimates that do not account for lagged responses. Results indicate that conservation‐based pumping reductions can extend aquifer lifetimes, but lagged responses can create a sizable difference between the initially perceived and actual long‐term effectiveness. -
null (Ed.)This study identifies hydrogeologic characteristics of complex aquifers based on constructing stratigraphic structure with large, non-uniform well log data. The approach was validated through a modeling study of the irrigation-intensive Chicot aquifer system, which is an important Pleistocene-Holocene aquifer of the Coastal Lowlands aquifer system in the southwestern Louisiana. Various well log types were unified into the same data structure, prioritized based on data sources, and interpolated to generate a detailed stratigraphic structure. More than 29,000 well logs were integrated to construct a stratigraphy model of 56 model layers for the Chicot aquifer system. The stratigraphy model revealed interconnections of various sands in the system, where 90% of the model domain is covered by fine-grained sediments. Although the groundwater model estimated a slight groundwater storage gain during 2005–2014 for the entire region, groundwater storage in the agricultural area was depleted. Nevertheless, the quick groundwater storage recovery during the non-irrigation seasons suggests that the Chicot aquifer system is a prolific aquifer system. The groundwater modeling result shows that the gulfward groundwater flow direction prior to pumping has been reversed toward inland pumping areas. The large upward vertical flow from the deeper sands indicates potential saltwater migration from the base of the Chicot aquifer system.more » « less