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Title: Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: Valleywide Plot Tree and Sapling Inventory – 1995, 2005, 2015
The valley-wide plots are a grid of 431 sites along fifteen N–S transects established at 500-m intervals spanning the entire Hubbard Brook Valley. The plot network was designed by Paul Schwarz for spatial analysis of tree species distribution patterns within the valley. Multiple above- and below-ground attributes have been measured on these plots. This dataset includes forest inventory data at 10 year intervals, for 1995, 2005, and 2015. The full survey takes three seasons to complete, with the datatable listing the exact measurement interval for each tree. Data are included for both trees and saplings on 371 core plots (all surveys) and 60 densified plots (1998, 2008). Locations of plots in this study can be found in the following dataset: Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest Valleywide Plots: GIS Shapefile (2022.) These data were gathered as part of the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study (HBES). The HBES is a collaborative effort at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, which is operated and maintained by the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station. These data have been used in a number of publications including: Schwarz, P.A., Fahey, T.J., Martin, C.W., Siccama, T.G., and Bailey, A. 2001. Structure and composition of three northern hardwood–conifer forests with differing disturbance histories. For. Ecol. Manage. 144(1–3): 201–212. doi:10.1016/S0378-1127(00)00371-6. Schwarz, P.A., Fahey, T.J., and McCulloch, C.E. 2003. Factors controlling spatial variation of tree species abundance in a forested landscape. Ecology, 84(7): 1862–1878. doi:10.1890/0012-9658(2003)084[1862:FCSVOT]2.0.CO;2. van Doorn, N.S., Battles, J.J., Fahey, T.J., Siccama, T.G., and Schwarz, P.A. 2011. Links between biomass and tree demography in a northern hardwood forest: a decade of stability and change in Hubbard Brook Valley, New Hampshire. Can. J. For. Res. 41(7): 1369–1379. doi:10.1139/X11-063. Cleavitt, NL; AB Clyne and TJ Fahey. 2019. Epiphytic macrolichen patterns along an elevation gradient in the White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire. J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 146(1): 8-17. Cleavitt, NL; Battles, JJ, Fahey, TJ, and Blum, J. 2014. Determinants of survival over seven years for a natural cohort of sugar maple seedlings in a northern hardwood forest. Can. J. For. Res.44 (9): 1112-1121.  more » « less
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Publisher / Repository:
Environmental Data Initiative
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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