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Title: Exploring reactive power limits on wind farm collector networks with convex inner approximations
A wind farm can provide reactive power at sub-transmission and transmission buses in order to support and improve voltage profiles. It is common for the reactive power capability of a wind farm to be evaluated as the sum of the individual turbine ratings. However, such an assessment does not take into account losses over the collector network, nor the voltage constraints imposed by the turbines and network. In contrast, the paper presents a method for determining the range of reactive power support that each turbine can provide whilst guaranteeing satisfaction of voltage constraints. This is achieved by constructing convex inner approximations of the non-convex set of admissible reactive power injections. We present theoretical analysis that supports the constraint satisfaction guarantees. An example illustrates the effectiveness of the algorithm and provides a comparison with a fully decentralized approach to controlling wind farm reactive power. Such approaches have the potential to improve the design and operation of wind farm collector networks, reducing the need for additional costly reactive power resources.  more » « less
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National Science Foundation
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