Metabolism is a fundamental attribute of all organisms that influences how species affect and are affected by their natural environment. Differences between sexes in ectothermic species may substantially alter metabolic scaling patterns, particularly in viviparous or live-bearing species where females must support their basal metabolic costs and that of their embryos. Indeed, if pregnancy is associated with marked increases in metabolic demand and alters scaling patterns between sexes, this could in turn interact with natural sex ratio variation in nature to affect population-level energy demand. Here, we aimed to understand how sex and pregnancy influence metabolic scaling and how differences between sexes affect energy demand in Gambusia affinis (Western mosquitofish). Using the same method, we measured routine metabolic rate in the field on reproductively active fish and in the laboratory on virgin fish. Our data suggest that changes in energy expenditure related to pregnancy may lead to steeper scaling coefficients in females (b = 0.750) compared to males (b = 0.595). In contrast, virgin females and males had similar scaling coefficients, suggesting negligible sex differences in metabolic costs in reproductively inactive fish. Further, our data suggest that incorporating sex differences in allometric scaling may alter population-level energy demand by as much as 20–28%, with the most pronounced changes apparent in male-biased populations due to the lower scaling coefficient of males. Overall, our data suggest that differences in energy investment in reproduction between sexes driven by pregnancy may alter allometric scaling and population-level energy demand.
- Award ID(s):
- 2141592
- 10402344
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Integrative and Comparative Biology
- Volume:
- 62
- Issue:
- 5
- 1540-7063
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 1460 to 1470
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Synopsis -
Abstract Sex differences in animal coloration often result from sex‐dependent regulatory mechanisms. Still, some species exhibit incomplete sexual dimorphism as females carry a rudimentary version of a costly male trait, leading to intralocus sexual conflict. The underlying physiology and condition dependence of these traits can inform why such conflicts remain unresolved. In eastern fence lizards (
Sceloporus undulatus ), blue iridophore badges are found in males and females, but melanin pigmentation underneath and surrounding badges is male‐exclusive. We track color saturation and area of badges across sexual maturity, and their relationship to individual quality (body condition and immunocompetence) and relevant hormones (testosterone and corticosterone). Saturation and testosterone were positively correlated in both sexes, but hormone and trait had little overlap between males and females. Saturation was correlated with body condition and immunocompetence in males but not in females. Co‐regulation by androgens may have released females from resource allocation costs of color saturation, even when in high condition. Badge area was independent of testosterone, but associated with low corticosterone in females, indicating that a nonsex hormone underlies incomplete sexual dimorphism. Given the evidence in this species for female reproductive costs associated with ornamentation, this sex‐nonspecific regulation of an honest signal may underlie intralocus sexual conflict. -
Abstract Animals capable of rapid (i.e., physiological) body color change may use color to respond quickly to changing social or physical environments. Because males and females often differ in their environments, the sexes may use changes in body color differently, reflecting sexual dimorphism in ecological, behavioral, or morphological traits. Green anole lizards,
Anolis carolinensis , frequently switch their dorsal body color between bright green and dark brown, a change that requires only seconds, but little is known regarding sexual dimorphism in their color change. We tested three hypotheses for the function of body color (thermoregulation, camouflage via background-matching, and social communication) to determine the ecological role(s) of physiological color change in anoles. First, we examined instantaneous body color to determine relationships between body color and body temperature, substrate color and type, and whether these varied between the sexes. Next, we examined the association between color change and behavioral displays. Altogether, we found that males were more likely to be green than females, and larger lizards were more often green than smaller ones, but there was no evidence that anole body color was associated with body temperature or background color during the summer breeding season. Instead, our results show that although the sexes change their color at approximately the same rates, males changed color more frequently during social displays, while females remained green when displaying. In sum, social communication appears to be the primary function of anole color change, although the functions of body color may differ in the nonbreeding season.Significance statement Many animals can change their body color in response to their environments, and in many species, males and females experience different environments. In this study, we examined whether the sexes of green anole lizards use the ability to rapidly change their body color between green and brown for different functions. We found that, when a lizard was first sighted, its body color did not appear to match its background color in either sex (suggesting that color change does not contribute to avoidance of detection by potential predators), and body color was not associated with temperature for either sex (i.e., color was unlikely to influence body temperature). Yet, males changed color more often when performing social displays to other lizards, while females remained green during social displays. Thus, rapid color change plays an important role in social communication in both sexes, highlighting how males and females may use the same behavior to convey different messages.
Abstract Metabolism, a metric of the energy cost of behavior, plays a significant role in social evolution. Body size and metabolic scaling are coupled, and a socioecological pattern of increased body size is associated with dietary change and the formation of larger and more complex groups. These consequences of the adaptive radiation of animal societies beg questions concerning energy expenses, a substantial portion of which may involve the metabolic rates of brains that process social information. Brain size scales with body size, but little is understood about brain metabolic scaling. Social insects such as ants show wide variation in worker body size and morphology that correlates with brain size, structure, and worker task performance, which is dependent on sensory inputs and information-processing ability to generate behavior. Elevated production and maintenance costs in workers may impose energetic constraints on body size and brain size that are reflected in patterns of metabolic scaling. Models of brain evolution do not clearly predict patterns of brain metabolic scaling, nor do they specify its relationship to task performance and worker ergonomic efficiency, two key elements of social evolution in ants. Brain metabolic rate is rarely recorded and, therefore, the conditions under which brain metabolism influences the evolution of brain size are unclear. We propose that studies of morphological evolution, colony social organization, and worker ergonomic efficiency should be integrated with analyses of species-specific patterns of brain metabolic scaling to advance our understanding of brain evolution in ants.
Abstract Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) is often assumed to reflect the phenotypic consequences of differential selection operating on each sex. Species that exhibit SSD may also show intersexual differences in other traits, including field‐active body temperatures, preferred temperatures, and locomotor performance. For these traits, differences may be correlated with differences in body size or reflect sex‐specific trait optima. Male and female Yarrow's spiny lizards,
Sceloporus jarrovii , in a population in southeastern Arizona exhibit a difference in body temperature that is unrelated to variation in body size. The observed sexual variation in body temperature may reflect divergence in thermal physiology between the sexes. To test this hypothesis, we measured the preferred body temperatures of male and female lizards when recently fed and fasted. We also estimated the thermal sensitivity of stamina at seven body temperatures. Variation in these traits provided an opportunity to determine whether body size or sex‐specific variation unrelated to size shaped their thermal physiology. Female lizards, but not males, preferred a lower body temperature when fasted, and this pattern was unrelated to body size. Larger individuals exhibited greater stamina, but we detected no significant effect of sex on the shape or height of the thermal performance curves. The thermal preference of males and females in a thermal gradient exceeded the optimal temperature for performance in both sexes. Our findings suggest that differences in thermal physiology are both sex‐ and size‐based and that peak performance at low body temperatures may be adaptive given the reproductive cycles of this viviparous species. We consider the implications of our findings for the persistence ofS. jarrovii and other montane ectotherms in the face of climate warming.