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Title: A georeferenced dataset for occurrence records of the phylum Rotifera in Africa
We report a dataset of all known and published occurrence records of animals of the phylum Rotifera, including Bdelloidea, Monogononta, and Seisonacea (with the exclusion of Acanthocephala) for Africa and surrounding islands and archipelagos. The dataset includes 24,704 records of 914 taxa (subspecies: 38; species: 783; genus: 76; family: 17), gathered from 610 published papers. The published literature spans from 1854 to 2022, with the highest number of records in the decades 1990-1999 and 2010-2019. The African countries with the highest number of taxa are Nigeria, Algeria, South Africa, and Democratic Republic of the Congo, whereas no records are yet available for a dozen countries. The number of species known from each country can be explained mostly by sampling efforts, measured as the number of papers published for each country up to now. The dataset is available through the Open Science Framework (OSF) and in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).  more » « less
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Journal of Limnology
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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    230 records of "species inquirendae", "nomina nuda", and "genera inquirenda" found in the published literature were not included in the dataset. Almost 90 % of the data are georeferenced.

    The African countries with the highest number of taxa are Nigeria, Algeria, South Africa, and Democratic Republic of the Congo, whereas no records are yet available for a dozen countries. The number of species known from each country can be explained mostly by sampling efforts, measured as the number of papers published for each country up to October 2022.

    This detailed literature search increased the number of known rotifer taxa at species, subspecies, form and variety level reported in previous reviews, which were 639 in 1986 (De Ridder, 1986) and 765 (Smolak et al., 2022) in 2022. Of the taxa reported in the current dataset, 167 (18%) are Bdelloidea, 665 (698%) Ploima, 97 (10%) Flosculariaceae, 27 (3%) Collothecacea and one representative of Seisonacea, the marine epizoic rotifer Seison africanus Sørensen, Segers & Funch, 2005 described and recorded only from coastal waters of Kenya (Sørensen et al., 2005).

    The data were structured based on the Darwin Core standard (Wieczorek et al., 2012). The dataset is structured to have in each row each record of a rotifer taxon from a sample from Africa and surrounding islands, as cited in the literature. The columns report the original and updated taxon name, additional taxonomic information together with origin of the data and habitat.
    All invalid names (i.e. at the level of species inquirenda, nomen nudum, genus inquirendum) were not included in the records uploaded to GBIF. All names were also checked against the backbone of GBIF.

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  4. Abstract

    Mexico is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, with an important proportion of endemism mainly because of the convergence of the Nearctic and Neotropical biogeographic regions, which generate great diversity and species turnover at different spatial scales. However, most of our knowledge of the Mexican ant biota is limited to a few well‐studied taxa, and we lack a comprehensive synthesis of ant biodiversity information. For instance, most of the knowledge available in the literature on Mexican ant fauna refers only to species lists by states, or is focused on only a few regions of the country, which prevents the study of several basic and applied aspects of ants, from diversity and distribution to conservation. Our aims in this data paper are therefore (1) to compile all the information available regarding ants across the Mexican territory, and (2) to identify major patterns in the gathered data set and geographic gaps in order to direct future sampling efforts. All records were obtained from raw data, including both unpublished and published information. After exhaustive filtering and updating information and synonyms, we compiled a total of 21,731 records for 887 ant species distributed throughout Mexico from 1894 to 2018. These records were concentrated mainly in the states of Chiapas (n = 6,902, 32.76%) and Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave (n = 4,329, 19.92%), which together comprise half the records. The subfamily with the highest number of records was Myrmicinae (n = 10,458 records, 48.12%), followed by Formicinae (n = 3,284, 15.11%) and Ponerinae (n = 1,914, 8.8%). Most ant records were collected in the Neotropical region of the country (n = 12,646, 58.19%), followed by the Mexican transition zone (n = 5,237, 24.09%) and the Nearctic region (n = 3,848, 17.72%). Native species comprised 95.46% of the records (n = 20,745). To the best of our knowledge, this is the most complete data set available to date in the literature for the country. We hope that this compilation will encourage researchers to explore different aspects of the population and community research of ants at different spatial scales, and to aid in the establishment of conservation policies and actions. There are no copyright restrictions. Please cite this data paper when using its data for publications or teaching events.

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