Observations of the young solar wind by the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission reveal the existence of intense plasma wave bursts with frequencies between 0.05 and 0.20
- Award ID(s):
- 1914670
- 10408714
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.3847
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Volume:
- 947
- Issue:
- 2
- 0004-637X
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: Article No. 73
- Size(s):
- Article No. 73
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract Parker Solar Probe (PSP) observed predominately Alfvénic fluctuations in the solar wind near the Sun where the magnetic field tends to be radially aligned. In this paper, two magnetic-field-aligned solar wind flow intervals during PSP’s first two orbits are analyzed. Observations of these intervals indicate strong signatures of parallel/antiparallel-propagating waves. We utilize multiple analysis techniques to extract the properties of the observed waves in both magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and kinetic scales. At the MHD scale, outward-propagating Alfvén waves dominate both intervals, and outward-propagating fast magnetosonic waves present the second-largest contribution in the spectral energy density. At kinetic scales, we identify the circularly polarized plasma waves propagating near the proton gyrofrequency in both intervals. However, the sense of magnetic polarization in the spacecraft frame is observed to be opposite in the two intervals, although they both possess a sunward background magnetic field. The ion-scale plasma wave observed in the first interval can be either an inward-propagating ion cyclotron wave (ICW) or an outward-propagating fast-mode/whistler wave in the plasma frame, while in the second interval it can be explained as an outward ICW or inward fast-mode/whistler wave. The identification of the exact kinetic wave mode is more difficult to confirm owing to the limited plasma data resolution. The presence of ion-scale waves near the Sun suggests that ion cyclotron resonance may be one of the ubiquitous kinetic physical processes associated with small-scale magnetic fluctuations and kinetic instabilities in the inner heliosphere.more » « less
Abstract We present particle-in-cell simulations of a combined whistler heat flux and temperature anisotropy instability that is potentially operating in the solar wind. The simulations are performed in a uniform plasma and initialized with core and halo electron populations typical of the solar wind beyond about 0.3 au. We demonstrate that the instability produces whistler-mode waves propagating both along (anti-sunward) and opposite (sunward) to the electron heat flux. The saturated amplitudes of both sunward and anti-sunward whistler waves are strongly correlated with their initial linear growth rates,
, where for typical electron betas we have 0.6 ≲ν ≲ 0.9. We show that because of the relatively large spectral width of the whistler waves, the instability saturates through the formation of quasi-linear plateaus around the resonant velocities. The revealed correlations of whistler wave amplitudes and spectral widths with electron beta and temperature anisotropy are consistent with solar wind observations. We show that anti-sunward whistler waves result in an electron heat flux decrease, while sunward whistler waves actually lead to an electron heat flux increase. The net effect is the electron heat flux suppression, whose efficiency is larger for larger electron betas and temperature anisotropies. The electron heat flux suppression can be up to 10%–60% provided that the saturated whistler wave amplitudes exceed about 1% of the background magnetic field. The experimental applications of the presented results are discussed. -
Context. The evolution of the solar wind electron distribution function with heliocentric distance exhibits different features that are still unexplained, in particular, the fast decrease in the electron heat flux and the increase in the Strahl pitch angle width. Wave-particle interactions between electrons and whistler waves are often proposed to explain these phenomena.Aims. We aim to quantify the effect of whistler waves on suprathermal electrons as a function of heliocentric distance.Methods. We first performed a statistical analysis of whistler waves (occurrence and properties) observed by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe between 0.2 and 1 AU. The wave characteristics were then used to compute the diffusion coefficients for solar wind suprathermal electrons in the framework of quasi-linear theory. These coefficients were integrated to deduce the overall effect of whistler waves on electrons along their propagation.Results. About 110 000 whistler wave packets were detected and characterized in the plasma frame, including their direction of propagation with respect to the background magnetic field and their radial direction of propagation. Most waves are aligned with the magnetic field and only ∼0.5% of them have a propagation angle greater than 45°. Beyond 0.3 AU, it is almost exclusively quasi-parallel waves propagating anti-sunward (some of them are found sunward but are within switchbacks with a change of sign of the radial component of the background magnetic) that are observed. Thus, these waves are found to be Strahl-aligned and not counter-streaming. At 0.2 AU, we find both Strahl-aligned and counter-streaming quasi-parallel whistler waves.Conclusions. Beyond 0.3 AU, the integrated diffusion coefficients show that the observed waves are sufficient to explain the measured Strahl pitch angle evolution and effective in isotropizing the halo. Strahl diffusion is mainly attributed to whistler waves with a propagation angle ofθ ∈ [15.45]°, although their origin has not yet been fully determined. Near 0.2 AU, counter-streaming whistler waves are able to diffuse the Strahl electrons more efficiently than the Strahl-aligned waves by two orders of magnitude. -
Abstract The nature of the 3‐s ultralow frequency (ULF) wave in the Earth's foreshock region and the associated wave‐particle interaction are not yet well understood. We investigate the 3‐s ULF waves using Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) observations. By combining the plasma rest frame wave properties obtained from multiple methods with the instability analysis based on the velocity distribution in the linear wave stage, the ULF wave is determined to be due to the ion/ion nonresonant mode instability. The interaction between the wave and ions is analyzed using the phase relationship between the transverse wave fields and ion velocities and using the longitudinal momentum equation. During the stage when ULF waves have sinusoidal waveforms up to |
dB |/|B 0| ~ 3, wheredB is the wave magnetic field andB 0is the background magnetic field, the wave electric fields perpendicular to 0do negative work to solar wind ions; alongB 0, a longitudinal electric field develops, but theB force is stronger and leads to solar wind ion deceleration. During the same wave stage, the backstreaming beam ions gain energy from the transverse wave fields and get deceleration alongV ×B 0by the longitudinal electric field. The ULF wave leads to electron heating, preferentially in the direction perpendicular to the local magnetic field. Secondary waves are generated within the ULF waveforms, including whistler waves near half of the electron cyclotron frequency, high‐frequency electrostatic waves, and magnetosonic whistler waves. The work improves the understanding of the nature of 3‐s ULF waves and the associated wave‐particle interaction.B -
Context. Whistler waves are electromagnetic waves produced by electron-driven instabilities, which in turn can reshape the electron distributions via wave–particle interactions. In the solar wind they are one of the main candidates for explaining the scattering of the strahl electron population into the halo at increasing radial distances from the Sun and for subsequently regulating the solar wind heat flux. However, it is unclear what type of instability dominates to drive whistler waves in the solar wind.Aims. Our goal is to study whistler wave parameters in the young solar wind sampled by Parker Solar Probe (PSP). The wave normal angle (WNA) in particular is a key parameter to discriminate between the generation mechanisms of these waves.Methods. We analyzed the cross-spectral matrices of magnetic field fluctuations measured by the search-coil magnetometer (SCM) and processed by the Digital Fields Board (DFB) from the FIELDS suite during PSP’s first perihelion.Results. Among the 2701 wave packets detected in the cross-spectra, namely individual bins in time and frequency, most were quasi-parallel to the background magnetic field; however, a significant part (3%) of the observed waves had oblique (> 45°) WNA. The validation analysis conducted with the time series waveforms reveal that this percentage is a lower limit. Moreover, we find that about 64% of the whistler waves detected in the spectra are associated with at least one magnetic dip.Conclusions. We conclude that magnetic dips provide favorable conditions for the generation of whistler waves. We hypothesize that the whistlers detected in magnetic dips are locally generated by the thermal anisotropy as quasi-parallel and can gain obliqueness during their propagation. We finally discuss the implications of our results for the scattering of the strahl in the solar wind.