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Title: Reasoning about causal models with infinitely many variables,
Generalized structural equations models (GSEMs) are, as the name suggests, a generalization of structural equations models (SEMs). They can deal with (among other things) infinitely many variables with infinite ranges, which is critical for capturing dynamical systems. We provide a sound and complete axiomatization of causal reasoning in GSEMs that is an extension of the sound and complete axiomatization provided by Halpern for SEMs. Considering GSEMs helps clarify what properties Halpern's axioms capture.  more » « less
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Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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    Synthesis. Our results suggest that temporal variation in climatic conditions influences which traits, mechanisms and abiotic variables were most responsible for driving the B–EF relationship. Importantly, our findings suggest that future research should consider temporal variability in the B–EF relationship, particularly how the predictive power of individual functional traits and abiotic variables may fluctuate as conditions shift due to climate change.

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