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Title: Climate, soil mineralogy and mycorrhizal fungi influence soil organic matter fractions in eastern US temperate forests

Identifying the primary controls of particulate (POM) and mineral‐associated organic matter (MAOM) content in soils is critical for determining future stocks of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) across the globe. However, drivers of these soil organic matter fractions are likely to vary among ecosystems in response to climate, soil type and the composition of local biological communities.

We tested how soil factors, climate and plant–fungal associations influenced the distribution and concentrations of C and N in MAOM and POM in seven temperate forests in the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) across the eastern United States. Samples of upper mineral horizon soil within each forest were collected in plots representing a gradient of dominant tree–mycorrhizal association, allowing us to test how plant and microbial communities influenced POM and MAOM across sites differing in climate and soil conditions.

We found that concentrations of C and N in soil organic matter were primarily driven by soil mineralogy, but the relative abundance of MAOM versus POM C was strongly linked to plot‐level mycorrhizal dominance. Furthermore, the effect of dominant tree mycorrhizal type on the distribution of N among POM and MAOM fractions was sensitive to local climate: in cooler sites, an increasing proportion of ectomycorrhizal‐associated trees was associated with lower proportions of N in MAOM, but in warmer sites, we found the reverse. As an indicator of soil carbon age, we measured radiocarbon in the MAOM fraction but found that within and across sites, Δ14C was unrelated to mycorrhizal dominance, climate, or soil factors, suggesting that additional site‐specific factors may be primary determinants of long‐term SOM persistence.

Synthesis. Our results indicate that while soil mineralogy primarily controls SOM C and N concentrations, the distribution of SOM among density fractions depends on the composition of vegetation and microbial communities, with these effects varying across sites with distinct climates. We also suggest that within biomes, the age of mineral‐associated soil carbon is not clearly linked to the factors that control concentrations of MAOM C and N.

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Award ID(s):
2106103 2010724
Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Ecology
Page Range / eLocation ID:
p. 1254-1269
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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