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Title: Abstract 3680: Distinctive metabolomics profiles associated with African American current smokers who have high aggressive prostate cancer
Abstract Background: Smoking has not been an established risk factor for prostate cancer (PCa), and has not been emphasized in PCa prevention. However, recent studies have shown increasing evidence that there is a higher risk of biochemical recurrence, PCa mortality, and metastasis among current smokers, presenting an urgent need in re-evaluating the association between smoking and aggressive PCa. This study aimed to determine whether smoking increase the likelihood of developing a more aggressive prostate cancer. Methods: Equal numbers of African Americans (AAs) and European Americans (EAs) by smoking status (never/former/current) matched with PCa aggressiveness, BMI, 5-year age group, and year of baseline recruitment, totaling 480 participants, were included in the metabolomics study. For metabolomics analysis, fold change and BH-adjusted p-value from t-test adjusted for age for univariate analysis, and PCA adjusted for age and PLS-DA supervised statistical analysis for multivariate analysis were employed to decipher the underlying metabolomic patterns, and identify significantly dysregulated metabolites for the variables of interest. Results: AA participants were significantly younger (mean=61.4, SD=7.7) compared with EAs (mean=63.5, SD=7.5). Current smokers had a 2.4 times higher risk of high aggressive PCa. When stratified by race, the risk diminished for EAs but increased for AAs. Global metabolic profiles detected a total of 1,487 compounds of known identity. After excluding metabolites with missing values in more than 20% of the samples and with small standard variation, we observed a distinct cluster of participants from AA aggressive PCa patients and current smokers that were separated from EAs and never smokers. With BH-adjusted p-value < 0.05 and fold change > 2, we identified 10 significantly dysregulated metabolites between AA and EA among high aggressive PCa and current smokers. Further, 36 metabolites between current and never smokers among AA high aggressive PCa were significantly dysregulated, but none of them are annotated as tobacco metabolites. Conclusion: Our study presented distinctive metabolomics profiles specific to AA current smokers who had high aggressive PCa. Furthermore, the distinctive patterns were not driven by the tobacco metabolites, with the potential to identify metabolites that might help to understand the relationships between smoking and aggressive PCa in AA. Citation Format: Se-Ran Jun, L. Joseph Su, Eryn Matich, Ping-Ching Hsu. Distinctive metabolomics profiles associated with African American current smokers who have high aggressive prostate cancer [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting 2022; 2022 Apr 8-13. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Res 2022;82(12_Suppl):Abstract nr 3680.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Cancer Research
Page Range / eLocation ID:
3680 to 3680
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  5. null (Ed.)
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