- Award ID(s):
- 2011361 2110974 2200857 2209437 1913552 2209605 1913798 2012916 2110737 2011420 1914579 2111531
- 10428575
- Author(s) / Creator(s):
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; more »
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Volume:
- 945
- Issue:
- 2
- 0004-637X
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 101
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract For decades, searches for electroweak-scale dark matter (DM) have been performed without a definitive detection. This lack of success may hint that DM searches have focused on the wrong mass range. A proposed candidate beyond the canonical parameter space is ultraheavy DM (UHDM). In this work, we consider indirect UHDM annihilation searches for masses between 30 TeV and 30 PeV—extending well beyond the unitarity limit at ∼100 TeV—and discuss the basic requirements for DM models in this regime. We explore the feasibility of detecting the annihilation signature, and the expected reach for UHDM with current and future very-high-energy (VHE; >100 GeV) γ -ray observatories. Specifically, we focus on three reference instruments: two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope arrays, modeled on VERITAS and CTA-North, and one extended air shower array, motivated by HAWC. With reasonable assumptions on the instrument response functions and background rate, we find a set of UHDM parameters (mass and cross section) for which a γ -ray signature can be detected by the aforementioned observatories. We further compute the expected upper limits for each experiment. With realistic exposure times, the three instruments can probe DM across a wide mass range. At the lower end, it can still have a point-like cross section, while at higher masses the DM could have a geometric cross section, indicative of compositeness.more » « less
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Abstract Dark matter annihilation in dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies near the Milky Way has the potential to produce a detectable signature in gamma-rays. The amplitude of this signal depends on the dark matter density in a dSph, the dark matter particle mass, the number of photons produced in an annihilation, and the possibly velocity-dependent dark matter annihilation cross section. We argue that if the amplitude of the annihilation signal from multiple dSphs can be measured, it is possible to determine the velocity-dependence of the annihilation cross section. However, we show that doing so will require improved constraints on the dSph density profiles, including control of possible sources of systematic uncertainty. Making reasonable assumptions about future improvements, we make forecasts for the ability of current and future experiments — including Fermi, CTA and AMEGO — to constrain the dark matter annihilation velocity dependence.more » « less
Abstract In this work, we present the results of searches for signatures of dark matter decay or annihilation into Standard Model particles, and secret neutrino interactions with dark matter.Neutrinos could be produced in the decay or annihilation of galactic or extragalactic dark matter.Additionally, if an interaction between dark matter and neutrinos exists then dark matter will interact with extragalactic neutrinos.In particular galactic dark matter will induce an anisotropy in the neutrino sky if this interaction is present.We use seven and a half years of the High-Energy Starting Event (HESE) sample data, which measures neutrinos in the energy range of approximately 60 TeV to 10 PeV, to study these phenomena.This all-sky event selection is dominated by extragalactic neutrinos.For dark matter of ∼ 1 PeV in mass, we constrain the velocity-averaged annihilation cross section to be smaller than 10-23cm3/s for the exclusive
μ +μ -channel and 10-22cm3/s for the bb̅ channel.For the same mass, we constrain the lifetime of dark matter to be larger than 1028s for all channels studied, except for decaying exclusively to bb̅ where it is bounded to be larger than 1027s.Finally, we also search for evidence of astrophysical neutrinos scattering on galactic dark matter in two scenarios.For fermionic dark matter with a vector mediator, we constrain the dimensionless coupling associated with this interaction to be less than 0.1 for dark matter mass of 0.1 GeV and a mediator mass of 10-4GeV.In the case of scalar dark matter with a fermionic mediator, we constrain the coupling to be less than 0.1 for dark matter and mediator masses below 1 MeV. -
null (Ed.)ABSTRACT The first bright objects to form in the Universe might not have been ‘ordinary’ fusion-powered stars, but ‘dark stars’ (DSs) powered by the annihilation of dark matter (DM) in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). If discovered, DSs can provide a unique laboratory to test DM models. DSs are born with a mass of the order of M⊙ and may grow to a few million solar masses; in this work we investigate the properties of early DSs with masses up to $\sim \! 1000 \, \mathrm{ M}_\odot$, fueled by WIMPS weighing 100 GeV. We improve the previous implementation of the DM energy source into the stellar evolution code mesa. We show that the growth of DSs is not limited by astrophysical effects: DSs up to $\sim \!1000 \, \mathrm{ M}_{\odot }$ exhibit no dynamical instabilities; DSs are not subject to mass-loss driven by super-Eddington winds. We test the assumption of previous work that the injected energy per WIMP annihilation is constant throughout the star; relaxing this assumption does not change the properties of the DSs. Furthermore, we study DS pulsations, for the first time investigating non-adiabatic pulsation modes, using the linear pulsation code gyre. We find that acoustic modes in DSs of masses smaller than $\sim \! 200 \, \mathrm{ M}_\odot$ are excited by the κ − γ and γ mechanism in layers where hydrogen or helium is (partially) ionized. Moreover, we show that the mass-loss rates potentially induced by pulsations are negligible compared to the accretion rates.more » « less