A bstract The first full angular analysis of the $$ {B}^0\to {D}^{\ast -}{D}_s^{\ast +} $$ B 0 → D ∗ − D s ∗ + decay is performed using 6 fb − 1 of pp collision data collected with the LHCb experiment at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The $$ {D}_s^{\ast +}\to {D}_s^{+}\gamma $$ D s ∗ + → D s + γ and D * − → $$ {\overline{D}}^0{\pi}^{-} $$ D ¯ 0 π − vector meson decays are used with the subsequent $$ {D}_s^{+} $$ D s + → K + K − π + and $$ {\overline{D}}^0 $$ D ¯ 0 → K + π − decays. All helicity amplitudes and phases are measured, and the longitudinal polarisation fraction is determined to be f L = 0 . 578 ± 0 . 010 ± 0 . 011 with world-best precision, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The pattern of helicity amplitude magnitudes is found to align with expectations from quark-helicity conservation in B decays. The ratio of branching fractions [ℬ( $$ {B}^0\to {D}^{\ast -}{D}_s^{\ast +} $$ B 0 → D ∗ − D s ∗ + ) × ℬ( $$ {D}_s^{\ast +}\to {D}_s^{+}\gamma $$ D s ∗ + → D s + γ )] / ℬ( B 0 → D * − $$ {D}_s^{+} $$ D s + ) is measured to be 2 . 045 ± 0 . 022 ± 0 . 071 with world-best precision. In addition, the first observation of the Cabibbo-suppressed B s → D * − $$ {D}_s^{+} $$ D s + decay is made with a significance of seven standard deviations. The branching fraction ratio ℬ( B s → D * − $$ {D}_s^{+} $$ D s + ) / ℬ( B 0 → D * − $$ {D}_s^{+} $$ D s + ) is measured to be 0 . 049 ± 0 . 006 ± 0 . 003 ± 0 . 002, where the third uncertainty is due to limited knowledge of the ratio of fragmentation fractions.
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Amplitude analysis of the D+ → π−π+π+ decay and measurement of the π−π+ S-wave amplitude
A bstract An amplitude analysis of the D + → π − π + π + decay is performed with a sample corresponding to 1.5 fb − 1 of integrated luminosity of pp collisions at a centre-of-mass energy $$ \sqrt{s} $$ s = 8 TeV collected by the LHCb detector in 2012. The sample contains approximately six hundred thousand candidates with a signal purity of 95%. The resonant structure is studied through a fit to the Dalitz plot where the π − π + S-wave amplitude is extracted as a function of π − π + mass, and spin-1 and spin-2 resonances are included coherently through an isobar model. The S-wave component is found to be dominant, followed by the ρ (770) 0 π + and f 2 (1270) π + components. A small contribution from the ω (782) → π − π + decay is seen for the first time in the D + → π − π + π + decay.
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- Award ID(s):
- 2102879
- 10429416
- Author(s) / Creator(s):
- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; more »
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of High Energy Physics
- Volume:
- 2023
- Issue:
- 6
- 1029-8479
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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