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Title: Hypergraphs with edge-dependent vertex weights: p-Laplacians and spectral clustering
We study p -Laplacians and spectral clustering for a recently proposed hypergraph model that incorporates edge-dependent vertex weights (EDVW). These weights can reflect different importance of vertices within a hyperedge, thus conferring the hypergraph model higher expressivity and flexibility. By constructing submodular EDVW-based splitting functions, we convert hypergraphs with EDVW into submodular hypergraphs for which the spectral theory is better developed. In this way, existing concepts and theorems such as p -Laplacians and Cheeger inequalities proposed under the submodular hypergraph setting can be directly extended to hypergraphs with EDVW. For submodular hypergraphs with EDVW-based splitting functions, we propose an efficient algorithm to compute the eigenvector associated with the second smallest eigenvalue of the hypergraph 1-Laplacian. We then utilize this eigenvector to cluster the vertices, achieving higher clustering accuracy than traditional spectral clustering based on the 2-Laplacian. More broadly, the proposed algorithm works for all submodular hypergraphs that are graph reducible. Numerical experiments using real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of combining spectral clustering based on the 1-Laplacian and EDVW.  more » « less
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Frontiers in Big Data
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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