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Title: A D‐Region Ionospheric Imaging Method Using Sferic‐Based Tomography

We present a tomographic imaging technique for the D‐region electron density using a set of spatially distributed very low frequency (VLF) remote sensing measurements. The D‐region ionosphere plays a critical role in many long‐range and over‐the‐horizon communication systems; however, it is unreachable by most direct measurement techniques such as balloons and satellites. Fortunately, the D region, combined with Earth's surface, forms what is known as the Earth‐Ionosphere waveguide allowing VLF and low frequency (LF) radio waves to propagate to global distances. By measuring these signals, we can estimate a path measurement of the electron density, which we assume to be a path‐averaged electron density profile of the D region. In this work, we use path‐averaged inferences from lightning‐generated radio atmospherics (sferics) with a tomographic inversion to produce 3D models of electron density over the Southeastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico. The model begins with two‐dimensional great circle path observations, each of which is parameterized so it includes vertical profile information. The tomography is then solved in two dimensions (latitude and longitude) at arbitrarily many altitude slices to construct the 3D electron density. We examine the model's performance in the synthetic case and determine that we have an expected percent error better than 10% within our area of interest. We apply our model to the 2017 “Great American Solar Eclipse” and find a clear relationship between sunlight percentage and electron density at different altitudes.

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Award ID(s):
2139916 1653114 2221765
Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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