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Title: Distinct Features of Atmospheric Rivers in the Early Versus Late East Asian Summer Monsoon and Their Impacts on Monsoon Rainfall

Atmospheric river (AR) and its impact on monsoon rainfall in East Asia are investigated by considering their month‐to‐month variations during the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM). The AR in the EASM, defined as an anomalously enhanced plume‐like water vapor transport, frequently forms over eastern China, Korea and western Japan. However, its characteristics vary from the early (June‐July) to the late (August‐September) period of the EASM. In the early EASM, AR is typically characterized by a quasi‐stationary monsoon southwesterly along the northern boundary of the western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH), which is further intensified by a migrating extratropical cyclone in the north. In contrast, the late‐EASM AR, which is less frequent than the early EASM AR, is primarily organized by a migrating extratropical cyclone. The quasi‐stationary monsoon southwesterly is less influential as the northern boundary of the WNPSH shifts northward, being decoupled from the subtropical ocean. Both the early‐ and late‐EASM ARs contribute substantially to monsoon rainfall, especially to heavy rainfall events. In the early EASM, 35%–70% of total rainfall amount and 60%–80% of heavy rainfall events in eastern China, Korea and western Japan are associated with AR. Although weakened, AR‐related rainfall is still significant in the late EASM in Korea and western Japan. These results indicate that AR is a key ingredient of EASM precipitation and its subseasonal variations should be taken into account to better understand and predict AR‐related extreme precipitation in East Asia.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
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Publisher / Repository:
DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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