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Title: Synoptic and Mesoscale Mechanisms Drive Winter Precipitation δ 18 O/δ 2 H in South‐Central Alaska

Measurements of oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes in precipitation (δ18OPand δ2HP) provide a valuable tool for understanding modern hydrological processes and the empirical foundation for interpreting paleoisotope archives. However, long‐term data sets of modern δ18OPand δ2HPin southern Alaska are entirely absent, thus limiting our insight and application of regionally defined climate‐isotope relationships in this proxy‐rich region. We present and utilize a 13‐year‐long record of event‐based δ18OPand δ2HPdata from Anchorage, Alaska (2005–2018,n = 332), to determine the mechanisms controlling precipitation isotopes. Local surface air temperature explains ~30% of variability in the δ18OPdata with a temperature‐δ18O slope of 0.31 ‰/°C, indicating that δ18OParchives may not be suitable paleo‐thermometers in this region. Instead, back‐trajectory modeling reveals how winter δ18OP2HPreflects synoptic and mesoscale processes in atmospheric circulation that drive changes in the passage of air masses with different moisture sources, transport, and rainout histories. Specifically, meridional systems—with either northerly flow from the Arctic or southerly flow from the Gulf of Alaska—have relatively low δ18OP2HPdue to progressive cooling and removal of precipitation as it condenses with altitude over Alaska's southern mountain ranges. To the contrary, zonally derived moisture from either the North Pacific and/or Bering Sea retains relatively high δ18OP2HPvalues. These new data contribute a better understanding of the modern Alaska water isotope cycle and provide an empirical basis for interpreting paleoisotope archives in context of regional atmospheric circulation.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
 ;  ;  
Publisher / Repository:
DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Page Range / eLocation ID:
p. 4252-4266
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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