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Title: InitLight: Initial Model Generation for Traffic Signal Control Using Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Due to repetitive trial-and-error style interactions between agents and a fixed traffic environment during the policy learning, existing Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based Traffic Signal Control (TSC) methods greatly suffer from long RL training time and poor adaptability of RL agents to other complex traffic environments. To address these problems, we propose a novel Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning (AIRL)-based pre-training method named InitLight, which enables effective initial model generation for TSC agents. Unlike traditional RL-based TSC approaches that train a large number of agents simultaneously for a specific multi-intersection environment, InitLight pretrains only one single initial model based on multiple single-intersection environments together with their expert trajectories. Since the reward function learned by InitLight can recover ground-truth TSC rewards for different intersections at optimality, the pre-trained agent can be deployed at intersections of any traffic environments as initial models to accelerate subsequent overall global RL training. Comprehensive experimental results show that, the initial model generated by InitLight can not only significantly accelerate the convergence with much fewer episodes, but also own superior generalization ability to accommodate various kinds of complex traffic environments.  more » « less
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National Science Foundation
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