Gaussian processes are widely employed as versatile modelling and predictive tools in spa-
tial statistics, functional data analysis, computer modelling and diverse applications of
machine learning. They have been widely studied over Euclidean spaces, where they are
specified using covariance functions or covariograms for modelling complex dependencies.
There is a growing literature on Gaussian processes over Riemannian manifolds in order
to develop richer and more flexible inferential frameworks for non-Euclidean data. While
numerical approximations through graph representations have been well studied for the
Mat´ern covariogram and heat kernel, the behaviour of asymptotic inference on the param-
eters of the covariogram has received relatively scant attention. We focus on asymptotic
behaviour for Gaussian processes constructed over compact Riemannian manifolds. Build-
ing upon a recently introduced Mat´ern covariogram on a compact Riemannian manifold, we
employ formal notions and conditions for the equivalence of two Mat´ern Gaussian random
measures on compact manifolds to derive the parameter that is identifiable, also known as
the microergodic parameter, and formally establish the consistency of the maximum like-
lihood estimate and the asymptotic optimality of the best linear unbiased predictor. The
circle is studied as a specific example of compact Riemannian manifolds with numerical
experiments to illustrate and corroborate the theory
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Federated learning on Riemannian manifolds
Federated learning (FL) has found many important applications in smart-phone-APP based machine learning applications. Although many algorithms have been studied for FL, to the best of our knowledge, algorithms for FL with nonconvex constraints have not been studied. This paper studies FL over Riemannian manifolds, which finds important applications such as federated PCA and federated kPCA. We propose a Riemannian federated SVRG (RFedSVRG) method to solve federated optimization over Riemannian manifolds. We analyze its convergence rate under different scenarios. Numerical experiments are conducted to compare RFedSVRG with the Riemannian counterparts of FedAvg and FedProx. We observed from the numerical experiments that the advantages of RFedSVRG are significant.
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- 10466443
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Applied Set-Valued Analysis and Optimization
- Volume:
- 5
- Issue:
- 2
- 2562-7775
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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