- Award ID(s):
- 1915614
- 10467773
- Publisher / Repository:
- American Society for Engineering Education, 2023. https://peer.asee.org/43284
- Date Published:
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- Experiment-centric pedagogy, hands-on kits, MSLQ, COPUS, motivation, Physics
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- https://peer.asee.org/43284
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Frank, Brian W. ; Jones, Dyan L. ; Ryan, Qing X. (Ed.)While understanding laboratory equipment is an important learning goal of physics laboratory (lab) instruction, previous studies have found inequities as to who gets to use equipment in in-person lab classes. With the transition to remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, class dynamics changed and the effects on equipment usage remain unclear. As part of a larger effort to make intro physics labs more equitable, we investigated student equipment usage based on gender and race in two introductory physics lab courses, one taught in-person and one taught remotely. We found inequities between men and women for in-person instruction, replicating previous work with a new student population. In contrast, we found that remote instruction created a more gender equitable learning environment, albeit with one student typically in charge of the equipment per class session. When we looked at equipment handling based on student race, we found no inequities in either format. These results suggest that changes should be made in introductory labs to create a more gender equitable learning environment and that some aspects of remote labs could help make these labs more equitable.more » « less
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ABSTRACT A virtual X-Ray Laboratory for Materials Science and Engineering has been developed and used as a flexible and powerful tool to help undergraduate and graduate students become familiar with the design and operation of the X-ray equipment in visual and interactive ways in order to learn fundamental principles underlying X-ray analytical methods. The virtual equipment and lab assignments have been used for: (i) authentic online experimentation, (ii) homework and control assignments with traditional and blended courses, (iii) preparing students for hands-on work in physical X-ray labs, (iv) lecture demonstrations, and (v) performance-based assessment of students’ ability to apply gained theoretical knowledge for operating actual equipment and solving practical problems. Students have also used the virtual diffractometer linked and synchronized with an actual powder diffractometer for blended experimentation. Using the associated learning and content management system (LCMS) and authoring tools, instructors kept track of students’ performance and designed new virtual experiments and more personalized learning assignments for students. The lab has also been integrated with the MITx course available on the massive open online course edX platform for Massachusetts Institute of Technology for undergraduate students.more » « less
Abstract Background With the increasing popularity of distance education, how to engage students in online inquiry‐based laboratories remains challenging for science teachers. Current remote labs mostly adopt a centralized model with limited flexibility left for teachers' just‐in‐time instruction based on students' real‐time science practices.
Objectives The goal of this research is to investigate the impact of a non‐centralized remote lab on students' cognitive and behavioural engagement.
Methods A mixed‐methods design was adopted. Participants were the high school students enrolled in two virtual chemistry classes. Remote labs 2.0, branded as Telelab, supports a non‐centralized model of remote inquiry that can enact more interactive hands‐on labs anywhere, anytime. Teleinquiry Instructional Model was used to guide the curriculum design. Students' clickstreams logs and instruction timestamps were analysed and visualized. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine whether engagement levels influence their conceptual learning. Behavioural engagement patterns were corroborated with survey responses.
Results and Conclusions We found approximate synchronizations between student–teacher–lab interactions in the heatmap. The guided inquiry enabled by Telelab facilitates real‐time communications between instructors and students. Students' conceptual learning is found to be impacted by varying engagement levels. Students' behavioural engagement patterns can be visualized and fed to instructors to inform learning progress and enact just‐in‐time instruction.
Implications Telelab offers a model of remote labs 2.0 that can be easily customized to live stream hands‐on teleinquiry. It enhances engagement and gives participants a sense of telepresence. Providing a customizable teleinquiry curriculum for practitioners may better prepare them to teach inquiry‐based laboratories online.
null (Ed.)The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced many colleges and universities to remain on a completely online or remote educational learning environment for the 2020 Spring and Fall semesters, however there is a growing concern in STEM fields about how students will be able to achieve one of the major ABET learning outcomes without conducting physical, hands on laboratory exercises as many STEM disciplines are switching to virtual laboratory; an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering/scientific judgment to draw conclusions. In addition to the limited achievement of the ABET outcomes, roughly half of the population of a historically black university communicated their anxieties during the pandemic to the University President via Change.org. The students’ main anxiety is portrayed in a statement culled from the petition as follows: “Most classes are very hands-on, and we are not able to do those from home because of the limited resources available at home”. This paper highlights the best practices for the implementation of home-based hands-on activities across multiple STEM fields. The paper further elaborates on the impact of remote and virtual labs on students’ attitude, interest, and performance in STEM over the home-based hands-on experimentation. Home-based hands-on laboratory activities were performed in biology, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, transportation system, and civil engineering. The results of a Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaires (MLSQ) survey that was administered to about 100 STEM students revealed better gains in key constructs associated with student success, such as motivation, critical thinking, and metacognition.more » « less