Utilizing observations from the Electron Losses and Fields Investigation satellites, we present a statistical study of ∼2,000 events in 2019–2020 characterizing the occurrence in magnetic local time (MLT) and latitude of ≥50 keV electron isotropy boundaries (IBs) and associated electron precipitation. The isotropy boundary of an electron of a given energy is the magnetic latitude poleward of which persistent isotropized pitch angle distributions (
Using 5‐year of measurements from Van Allen Probes, we present a survey of the statistical dependence of the Earth's outer radiation belt electron flux dropouts during geomagnetic storms on electron energy and various driving parameters including interplanetary magnetic field Bz, PSW, SYM‐H, and AE. By systematically investigating the dropouts over energies of 1 keV–10 MeV at L‐shells spanning 4.0–6.5, we find that the dropouts are naturally divided into three regions. The dropouts show much higher occurrence rates at energies below ∼100 keV and above ∼1 MeV compared to much smaller occurrence rate at intermediate energies around hundreds of keV. The flux decays more dramatically at energies above ∼1 MeV compared to the energies below ∼100 keV. The flux dropouts of electrons below ∼100 keV strongly depend on magnetic local time (MLT), which demonstrate high occurrence rates on the nightside (18–06 MLT), with the highest occurrence rate associated with northward Bz, strong PSWand SYM‐H, and weak AE conditions. The strongest flux decay of these dropouts is found on the nightside, which strongly depends on PSWand SYM‐H. However, there is no clear MLT dependence of the occurrence rate of relativistic electron flux dropouts above ∼1 MeV, but the flux decay of these dropouts is more significant on the dayside, with stronger decay associated with southward IMF Bz, strong PSW, SYM‐H, and AE conditions. Our statistical results are crucial for understanding of the fundamental physical mechanisms that control the outer belt electron dynamics and developing future potential radiation belt forecasting capability.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 2247255
- 10472181
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.1029
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
- Volume:
- 128
- Issue:
- 10
- 2169-9380
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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