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Title: Dataset and analyses for publication entitled: “Acclimation of the nitrogen cycle to changes in precipitation”
This dataset contains data and analysis code for the paper entitled “Acclimation of the nitrogen cycle to changes in precipitation" by Currier et al. As the frequency of precipitation extremes are expected to increase, especially in arid regions, we asked how prolonged shifts in water availability facilitate acclimation of the N cycle in a semiarid grassland. Using natural abundances of stable nitrogen isotopes for dominant plants and soils and rainfall manipulation experiments, we tested the hypothesis that N cycling will interact with water availability further amplifying the openness of the N cycle through time. For the dominant plant species, we found the relationship for N availability vs. ambient annual precipitation to be significantly positive, contrary to global spatial models. We also considered the temporal dynamics of our experiments, which imposed directional rainfall manipulations in duration ranging from 5 to 14 years. The slopes of these relationships decreased (became less positive) with more time since the onset of the directional precipitation extremes. These data and metadata supplement long-term foliar and soil isotope data from the Jornada LTER (Dataset ID: knb-lter-jrn.210586001) with a large spatial dataset from NEON data package DP1.10026.001 and Craine et al. 2018 (  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Environmental Data Initiative
Date Published:
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  3. This dataset includes plant species cover and height data measured in 1 m x 1 m quadrats at several sites and experiments under the Sevilleta LTER program. Quadrat locations span four distinct ecosystems and their ecotones: creosotebush dominated Chihuahuan Desert shrubland (est. winter 1999), black grama-dominated Chihuahuan Desert grassland (est. winter 1999), blue grama-dominated Plains grassland (est. winter 2002), and pinon-juniper woodland (est. winter 2003). Data on plant cover and height for each plant species are collected per individual plant or patch (for clonal plants) within 1 m x 1 m quadrats. These data inform population dynamics of foundational and rare plant species. In addition, using plant allometries, these non-destructive measurements of plant cover and height can be used to calculate net primary production (NPP), a fundamental ecosystem variable that quantifies rates of carbon consumption and fixation. Estimates of plant species cover, total plant biomass, or NPP can inform understanding of biodiversity, species composition, and energy flow at the community scale of biological organization, as well as spatial and temporal responses of plants to a range of ecological processes and direct experimental manipulations. The cover and height of individual plants or patches are sampled twice yearly (spring and fall) in permanent 1m x 1m plots within each site or experiment. This dataset includes core site monitoring data (CORE, GRIDS, ISOWEB, TOWER), observations in response to wildfire (BURN), and experimental treatments of extreme drought and delayed monsoon rainfall (EDGE), physical disturbance to biological soil crusts on the soil surface (CRUST), interannual variability in precipitation (MEANVAR), intra-annual variability via additions of monsoon rainfall (MRME), additions of nitrogen as ammonium nitrate (FERTILIZER), additions of nitrogen x phosphorus x potassium (NutNet), and interacting effects of nighttime warming, nitrogen addition, and El Niño winter rainfall (WENNDEx). To build allometric equations that relate biomass to plant cover or volume, a separate dataset of selectively harvested plant species is provided in "SEV-LTER Plant species mass data for allometry." Together, these datasets produce “SEV-LTER Plant biomass all sites and experiments” using the scripts posted with that dataset. Data from the CORE sites in this dataset were designated as NA-US-011 in the Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD). Data from the TOWER sites in this dataset are linked to Ameriflux sites: and 
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  4. Abstract

    Diversity and nitrogen addition have positive relationships with plant productivity, yet climate‐induced changes in water availability threaten to upend these established relationships. Using long‐term data from three experiments in a mesic grassland (ranging from 17 to 34 yr of data), we tested how the effects of species richness and nitrogen addition on community‐level plant productivity changed as a function of annual fluctuations in water availability using growing season precipitation and the Standardized Precipitation‐Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). While results varied across experiments, our findings demonstrate that water availability can magnify the positive effects of both biodiversity and nitrogen addition on productivity. These results suggest that productivity responses to anthropogenic species diversity loss and increasing nitrogen deposition could depend on precipitation regimes, highlighting the importance of testing interactions between multiple global change drivers.

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  5. Abstract. Excessive anthropogenic nitrogen (N) inputs to the biosphere have disruptedthe global nitrogen cycle. To better quantify the spatial and temporalpatterns of anthropogenic N inputs, assess their impacts on thebiogeochemical cycles of the planet and the living organisms, and improvenitrogen use efficiency (NUE) for sustainable development, we have developeda comprehensive and synthetic dataset for reconstructing the History ofanthropogenic Nitrogen inputs (HaNi) to the terrestrial biosphere. The HaNi datasettakes advantage of different data sources in a spatiotemporally consistentway to generate a set of high-resolution gridded N input products from thepreindustrial period to the present (1860–2019). The HaNi dataset includes annual ratesof synthetic N fertilizer, manure application/deposition, and atmospheric Ndeposition on cropland, pasture, and rangeland at a spatial resolution of5 arcmin × 5 arcmin. Specifically, the N inputs are categorized, according to the Nforms and land uses, into 10 types: (1) NH4+-N fertilizer applied to cropland,(2) NO3--N fertilizer applied to cropland, (3) NH4+-N fertilizer applied to pasture,(4) NO3--N fertilizer applied to pasture, (5) manure N application oncropland, (6) manure N application on pasture, (7) manure N deposition onpasture, (8) manure N deposition on rangeland, (9) NHx-N deposition, and(10) NOy-N deposition. The total anthropogenic N (TN) inputs to globalterrestrial ecosystems increased from 29.05 Tg N yr−1 in the 1860s to267.23 Tg N yr−1 in the 2010s, with the dominant N source changing fromatmospheric N deposition (before the 1900s) to manure N (in the 1910s–2000s)and then to synthetic fertilizer in the 2010s. The proportion of syntheticNH4+-N in fertilizer input increased from 64 %in the 1960s to 90 % in the 2010s, while synthetic NO3--N fertilizerdecreased from 36 % in the 1960s to 10 % in the 2010s. Hotspots of TNinputs shifted from Europe and North America to East and South Asia duringthe 1960s–2010s. Such spatial and temporal dynamics captured by the HaNidataset are expected to facilitate a comprehensive assessment of the coupledhuman–Earth system and address a variety of social welfare issues, such as theclimate–biosphere feedback, air pollution, water quality, and biodiversity. Thedata are available at et al., 2022). 
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