- Award ID(s):
- 1829797
- 10473479
- Publisher / Repository:
- Frontiers
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Frontiers in Marine Science
- Volume:
- 10
- 2296-7745
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The western subtropical South Pacific (WSSP) has recently been found to support high rates of di-nitrogen (N2) fixation in association with shallow hydrothermal iron fluxes. While previous 15N2 uptake and short-term d15N budgets have found that high rates of N2 fixation contribute significantly to export production, no longer-term evaluations of N2 fixation’s role in supporting the regional ecosystem were available. Here we present results of an annual d15N budget using the d15N of sinking particles captured in a moored sediment trap deployed at 1000 m from Nov 2019 - Nov 2020. We compare the d15N of the particles collected over this annual cycle with the d15N of subsurface nitrate to evaluate the seasonal and annual importance of N2 fixation for supporting export production. The results indicate that N2 fixation supported up to ~20% of annual export and that N2 fixation was most important during the summer. Notably, the d15N of subsurface nitrate at the trap station was low, 2 to 3 per mil compared to stations further from the vents. We also present some of the region’s first dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) d15N data. The DON samples collected in Nov 2019 and Nov 2020 show similar DON concentrations and d15N between years. However, while DON concentrations in the WSSP, 5 +/- 1 uM, were similar to the eastern tropical South Pacific (ETSP), the d15N of DON in the upper 100 m in the WSSP was between 2 to 4 per mil, which is lower than the ETSP, where DON d15N was between 4 to 6 per mil. Together, the results of the annual d15N budget as well as the low-d15N DON provide a longer-term perspective on the significance of N2 fixation in the WSSP. Additionally, the results suggest that N2 fixation in the WSSP introduces significant low-d15N N to the ocean, offsetting the elevated d15N generated in the oxygen deficient zones of the eastern tropical Pacific.more » « less
Moisander, Pia (Ed.)Abstract The availability of nitrogen (N) in ocean surface waters affects rates of photosynthesis and marine ecosystem structure. In spite of low dissolved inorganic N concentrations, export production in oligotrophic waters is comparable to more nutrient replete regions. Prior observations raise the possibility that di-nitrogen (N2) fixation supplies a significant fraction of N supporting export production in the Gulf of Mexico. In this study, geochemical tools were used to quantify the relative and absolute importance of both subsurface nitrate and N2 fixation as sources of new N fueling export production in the oligotrophic Gulf of Mexico in May 2017 and May 2018. Comparing the isotopic composition (“δ15N”) of nitrate with the δ15N of sinking particulate N collected during five sediment trap deployments each lasting two to four days indicates that N2 fixation is typically not detected and that the majority (≥80%) of export production is supported by subsurface nitrate. Moreover, no gradients in upper ocean dissolved organic N and suspended particulate N concentration and/or δ15N were found that would indicate significant N2 fixation fluxes accumulated in these pools, consistent with low Trichodesmium spp. abundance. Finally, comparing the δ15N of sinking particulate N captured within vs. below the euphotic zone indicates that during late spring regenerated N is low in δ15N compared to sinking N.more » « less
Abstract Marine oxygen deficient zones are dynamic areas of microbial nitrogen cycling. Nitrification, the microbial oxidation of ammonia to nitrate, plays multiple roles in the biogeochemistry of these regions, including production of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). We present here the results of two oceanographic cruises investigating nitrification, nitrifying microorganisms, and N2O production and distribution from the offshore waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific. On each cruise, high‐resolution measurements of ammonium ([NH4+]), nitrite ([NO2−]), and N2O were combined with15N tracer‐based determination of ammonia oxidation, nitrite oxidation, nitrate reduction, and N2O production rates. Depth‐integrated inventories of NH4+and NO2−were positively correlated with one another and with depth‐integrated primary production. Depth‐integrated ammonia oxidation rates were correlated with sinking particulate organic nitrogen flux but not with primary production; ammonia oxidation rates were undetectable in trap‐collected sinking particulate material. Nitrite oxidation rates exceeded ammonia oxidation rates at most mesopelagic depths. We found positive correlations between archaeal
amoA genes and ammonia oxidation rates and betweenNitrospina ‐like 16S rRNA genes and nitrite oxidation rates. N2O concentrations in the upper oxycline reached values of >140 nM, even at the western extent of the cruise track, supporting air‐sea fluxes of up to 1.71 μmol m−2 day−1. Our results suggest that a source of NO2−other than ammonia oxidation may fuel high rates of nitrite oxidation in the offshore Eastern Tropical South Pacific and that air‐sea fluxes of N2O from this region may be higher than previously estimated. -
Abstract Nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas, is produced disproportionately in marine oxygen deficient zones (ODZs). To quantify spatiotemporal variation in N2O cycling in an ODZ, we analyzed N2O concentration and isotopologues along a transect through the eastern tropical North Pacific (ETNP). At several stations along this transect, N2O concentrations reached a near surface maximum that exceeded prior measurements in this region, of up to 226.1 ± 20.5 nM at the coast. Above the
σ θ = 25.0 kg/m3isopycnal, Keeling plot analysis revealed two sources to the near‐surface N2O maximum, with different δ15N2Oαand δ15N2Oβvalues, but each with a site preference (SP) of 6‰–8‰. Given expected SPs for nitrification and denitrification, each of these sources could be comprised of 17%–26% nitrification (bacterial or archeal), and 74%–83% denitrification (or nitrifier‐denitrification). Below theσ θ = 25.0 kg/m3isopycnal, box model analysis indicated that the observed 46‰–50‰ SPs in the anoxic core of the ODZ cannot be reproduced in a steady state context without an SP for N2O production by denitrification, and may indicate instead a transient net consumption of N2O. Furthermore, time‐dependent model results indicated that while δ15N2Oαand δ18O‐N2O reflect both N2O production and consumption in the anoxic core of the ODZ, δ15N2Oβpredominantly reflects N2O sources. Finally, we infer that the high (N2O) observed at some stations derive from a set of conditions supporting high rates of N2O production that have not been previously encountered in this region. -
Abstract In contrast to its productive coastal margins, the open-ocean Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is notable for highly stratified surface waters with extremely low nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations. Field campaigns in 2017 and 2018 identified low rates of turbulent mixing, which combined with oligotrophic nutrient conditions, give very low estimates for diffusive flux of nitrate into the euphotic zone (< 1 µmol N m−2d−1). Estimates of local N2-fixation are similarly low. In comparison, measured export rates of sinking particulate organic nitrogen (PON) from the euphotic zone are 2 – 3 orders of magnitude higher (i.e. 462 – 1144 µmol N m−2d−1). We reconcile these disparate findings with regional scale dynamics inferred independently from remote-sensing products and a regional biogeochemical model and find that laterally-sourced organic matter is sufficient to support >90% of open-ocean nitrogen export in the GoM. Results show that lateral transport needs to be closely considered in studies of biogeochemical balances, particularly for basins enclosed by productive coasts.