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Title: Media Interestingness Prediction in ImageCLEFfusion 2023 with Dense Architecture-based Ensemble & Scaled; Gradient Boosting Regressor Model
The field of computer vision plays a key role in managing, processing, analyzing, and interpreting multimedia data in diverse applications. Visual interestingness in multimedia contents is crucial for many practical applications, such as search and recommendation. Determining the interestingness of a particular piece of media content and selecting the highest-value item in terms of content analysis, viewers’ perspective, content classification, and scoring media are sophisticated tasks to perform due to the heavily subjective nature. This work presents the approaches of the CS_Morgan team by participating in the media interestingness prediction task under ImageCLEFfusion 2023 benchmark evaluation. We experimented with two ensemble methods which contain a dense architecture and a gradient boosting scaled architecture. For the dense architecture, several hyperparameters tunings are performed and the output scores of all the inducers after the dense layers are combined using min-max rule. The gradient boost estimator provides an additive model in staged forward propagation, which allows an optimized loss function. For every step in the ensemble gradient boosting scaled (EGBS) architecture, a regression tree is fitted to the negative gradient of the loss function. We achieved the best accuracy with a MAP@10 score of 0.1287 by using the ensemble EGBS.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
Aliannejadi, M; Faggioli, G; Ferro, N; Vlachos, M.
Publisher / Repository:
Date Published:
Journal Name:
CEUR workshop proceedings
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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