Undergraduate research experiences benefit students by immersing them in the work of scientists and often result in increased interest and commitment to careers in the sciences. Expanding access to Research Experience for Undergraduate (REU) programs has the potential to engage more students in authentic research experiences earlier in their academic careers and grow and diversify the geoscience workforce. The Research Experience for Community College Students (RECCS) was one of the first National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded REU programs exclusively for 2-year college students. In this study, we describe findings from five years of the RECCS program and report on outcomes from 54 students. The study collected closed- and open-ended responses on post-program reflection surveys to analyze both student and mentor perspectives on their experience. Specifically, we focus on students’ self-reported growth in areas such as research skills, confidence in their ability to do research, and belonging in the field, as well as the mentors’ assessment of students’ work and areas of growth, and the impact of the program on students’ academic and career paths. In addition, RECCS alumni were surveyed annually to update data on their academic and career pursuits. Our data show that RECCS students learned scientific and professional skills throughout the program, developed a sense of identity as a scientist, and increased their interest in and excitement for graduate school after the program. Through this research experience, students gained confidence in their ability to “do” science and insight into whether this path is a good fit for them. This study contributes to an emerging body of data examining the impact of REU programs on community college students and encourages geoscience REU programs to welcome and support more community college students.
Advancing undergraduate research through regional community college partnerships at Portland State University
Opportunities for undergraduate research in STEM programs at community colleges can be few where lower-division science curriculum emphasizes classroom and laboratory-based learning and research laboratories are limited in number. This is particularly true in the geosciences where specialized programs are extremely rare. Urban serving academic research institutions have a unique role and opportunity to partner with regional community college programs for undergraduate research early-on in student post-secondary educational experiences. Programs built for community college transfer students to urban serving undergraduate programs can serve to integrate students into major programs and help reduce transfer shock.
The benefits of exploring research as an undergraduate scholar are numerous and include: building towards mastery of technical skills; developing problem-solving in a real-world environment; reading and digesting scientific literature; analyzing experimental and simulation data; working independently and as part of a team; developing a mentoring relationship with a research advisor; and building a sense of belonging and confidence in a scientific field. However, many undergraduate research internships are targeted towards junior-level STEM majors already engaged in upper-division coursework and considering graduate school which effectively excludes community college students from participating.
The Center for Climate and Aerosol Research (CCAR) Research Experience for Undergraduate program at Portland State University serves to help build the future diverse research community. 10-week intern research experiences are paired with an expert faculty mentor are designed for students majoring in the natural/physical sciences but not necessarily with a background in climate or atmospheric science. Additional programmatic activities include: 1-week orientation and training using short courses, faculty research seminars, and hands-on group workshops; academic professional and career development workshops throughout summer; journal club activities; final presentations at end of summer CCAR symposium; opportunities for travel for student presentations at scientific conferences; and social activities. Open to all qualifying undergraduates, since 2014 the program recruits primarily from regional (Northwest) community colleges, rural schools, and Native American serving institutions; recruiting students who would be unlikely to be otherwise exposed to such opportunities at their home institution. Over the past 9 cohorts of REU interns (2014-2019), approximately one third of CCAR REU scholars are community colleges students. Here we present criteria employed for selection of REU scholars and an analysis of selection biases in a comparison of students from community colleges, 4-year colleges, and PhD granting universities. We further investigate differential outcomes in efficacy of the REU program using evaluation data to assess changes over the program including: knowledge, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, science identity, program satisfaction, and career aspirations. In this presentation, we present these findings along with supportive qualitative analyses and discuss their implications for community college students in undergraduate research programs in geosciences.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1950702
- 10480632
- Publisher / Repository:
- American Geophysical Union
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Transactions American Geophysical Union
- 2379-6723
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- San Francisco, CA
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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To help strengthen the United States’ capacity for scientific advancement, technological innovation, and climate solutions by building diversity in the geosciences, Mount Saint Mary's University (a Hispanic Serving Institution, women's college, and primarily undergraduate institution) partnered with the University of Southern California (a research-intensive university) to establish the Geopaths Catalina Scholars Program to introduce and expand geosciences opportunities for MSMU students.
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For the past twelve years, the REU Site in Nanotechnology for Health, Energy and the Environment has been supported at Stony Brook University in New York State. Over the years, we have been fortunate to have had the opportunity to develop and pilot workshops, panels and presentations that supported the professional development of our scholars and the advancement of research skills, while providing opportunities for students from a wide range of institutions (including community colleges), educational levels (including many first and second year students), academic majors, and demographic backgrounds. Having a history of feedback via surveys and interviews by our external reviewer from over 120 participants allows us to analyze the effectiveness of summer activities as the program has continued to evolve. Tracking personal identifiable data has allowed us to follow former participants and document their academic and professional outcomes for years after. In addition, we report on the results of recruitment activities which have resulted in an increasingly diverse cohort of participants (over 55% of our REU scholars have been female and more than 35% have members of underrepresented minority populations). The role of mentors, targeted outreach, and other factors which can positively impact diversity and inclusiveness will also be discussed. Combining all of the evidence and information provided by our tracking systems has delivered significant insight which can inform the development of effective undergraduate research opportunities, and assist in identifying best practices for continuous improvement of our ongoing REU program site.more » « less
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