Magnetic reconnection is often invoked as a source of high-energy particles, and in relativistic astrophysical systems it is regarded as a prime candidate for powering fast and bright flares. We present a novel analytical model—supported and benchmarked with large-scale three-dimensional kinetic particle-in-cell simulations in electron–positron plasmas—that elucidates the physics governing the generation of power-law energy spectra in relativistic reconnection. Particles with Lorentz factor
The recent discovery of astrophysical neutrinos from the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1068 suggests the presence of nonthermal protons within a compact “coronal” region close to the central black hole. The acceleration mechanism of these nonthermal protons remains elusive. We show that a large-scale magnetic reconnection layer, of the order of a few gravitational radii, may provide such a mechanism. In such a scenario, rough energy equipartition between magnetic fields, X-ray photons, and nonthermal protons is established in the reconnection region. Motivated by recent 3D particle-in-cell simulations of relativistic reconnection, we assume that the spectrum of accelerated protons is a broken power law, with the break energy being constrained by energy conservation (i.e., the energy density of accelerated protons is at most comparable to the magnetic energy density). The proton spectrum is
- Award ID(s):
- 2308944
- 10485963
- Publisher / Repository:
- DOI PREFIX: 10.3847
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- The Astrophysical Journal Letters
- Volume:
- 961
- Issue:
- 1
- 2041-8205
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: Article No. L14
- Size(s):
- Article No. L14
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract γ ≳ 3σ (here,σ is the magnetization) gain most of their energy in the inflow region, while meandering between the two sides of the reconnection layer. Their acceleration time is , whereη rec≃ 0.06 is the inflow speed in units of the speed of light andω c=eB 0/mc is the gyrofrequency in the upstream magnetic field. They leave the region of active energization aftert esc, when they get captured by one of the outflowing flux ropes of reconnected plasma. We directly measuret escin our simulations and find thatt esc∼t accforσ ≳ few. This leads to a universal (i.e.,σ -independent) power-law spectrum for the particles undergoing active acceleration, and for the overall particle population. Our results help to shed light on the ubiquitous presence of power-law particle and photon spectra in astrophysical nonthermal sources. -
Abstract We present a Keck/MOSFIRE rest-optical composite spectrum of 16 typical gravitationally lensed star-forming dwarf galaxies at 1.7 ≲
z ≲ 2.6 (z mean= 2.30), all chosen independent of emission-line strength. These galaxies have a median stellar mass of and a median star formation rate of . We measure the faint electron-temperature-sensitive [Oiii ]λ 4363 emission line at 2.5σ (4.1σ ) significance when considering a bootstrapped (statistical-only) uncertainty spectrum. This yields a direct-method oxygen abundance of ( ). We investigate the applicability at highz of locally calibrated oxygen-based strong-line metallicity relations, finding that the local reference calibrations of Bian et al. best reproduce (≲0.12 dex) our composite metallicity at fixed strong-line ratio. At fixedM *, our composite is well represented by thez ∼ 2.3 direct-method stellar mass—gas-phase metallicity relation (MZR) of Sanders et al. When comparing to predicted MZRs from the IllustrisTNG and FIRE simulations, having recalculated our stellar masses with more realistic nonparametric star formation histories , we find excellent agreement with the FIRE MZR. Our composite is consistent with no metallicity evolution, at fixedM *and SFR, of the locally defined fundamental metallicity relation. We measure the doublet ratio [Oii ]λ 3729/[Oii ]λ 3726 = 1.56 ± 0.32 (1.51 ± 0.12) and a corresponding electron density of ( ) when considering the bootstrapped (statistical-only) error spectrum. This result suggests that lower-mass galaxies have lower densities than higher-mass galaxies atz ∼ 2. -
Abstract The Makani galaxy hosts the poster child of a galactic wind on scales of the circumgalactic medium. It consists of a two-episode wind in which the slow, outer wind originated 400 Myr ago (Episode I;
R I= 20 − 50 kpc) and the fast, inner wind is 7 Myr old (Episode II;R II= 0 − 20 kpc). While this wind contains ionized, neutral, and molecular gas, the physical state and mass of the most extended phase—the warm, ionized gas—are unknown. Here we present Keck optical spectra of the Makani outflow. These allow us to detect hydrogen lines out tor = 30–40 kpc and thus constrain the mass, momentum, and energy in the wind. Many collisionally excited lines are detected throughout the wind, and their line ratios are consistent with 200–400 km s−1shocks that power the ionized gas, withv shock=σ wind. Combining shock models, density-sensitive line ratios, and mass and velocity measurements, we estimate that the ionized mass and outflow rate in the Episode II wind could be as high as those of the molecular gas: and yr−1. The outer wind has slowed, so that yr−1, but it contains more ionized gas,M ⊙. The momentum and energy in the recent Episode II wind imply a momentum-driven flow (p “boost” ∼7) driven by the hot ejecta and radiation pressure from the Eddington-limited, compact starburst. Much of the energy and momentum in the older Episode I wind may reside in a hotter phase, or lie further into the circumgalactic medium. -
Abstract We perform particle-in-cell simulations to elucidate the microphysics of relativistic weakly magnetized shocks loaded with electron-positron pairs. Various external magnetizations
σ ≲ 10−4and pair-loading factorsZ ±≲ 10 are studied, whereZ ±is the number of loaded electrons and positrons per ion. We find the following: (1) The shock becomes mediated by the ion Larmor gyration in the mean field whenσ exceeds a critical valueσ Lthat decreases withZ ±. Atσ ≲σ Lthe shock is mediated by particle scattering in the self-generated microturbulent fields, the strength and scale of which decrease withZ ±, leading to lowerσ L. (2) The energy fraction carried by the post-shock pairs is robustly in the range between 20% and 50% of the upstream ion energy. The mean energy per post-shock electron scales as . (3) Pair loading suppresses nonthermal ion acceleration at magnetizations as low asσ ≈ 5 × 10−6. The ions then become essentially thermal with mean energy , while electrons form a nonthermal tail, extending from to . Whenσ = 0, particle acceleration is enhanced by the formation of intense magnetic cavities that populate the precursor during the late stages of shock evolution. Here, the maximum energy of the nonthermal ions and electrons keeps growing over the duration of the simulation. Alongside the simulations, we develop theoretical estimates consistent with the numerical results. Our findings have important implications for models of early gamma-ray burst afterglows. -
Abstract Tidal disruption events (TDEs), in which a star is destroyed by the gravitational field of a supermassive black hole (SMBH), are being observed at a high rate owing to the advanced state of survey science. One of the properties of TDEs that is measured with increasing statistical reliability is the TDE luminosity function,
, which is the TDE rate per luminosity (i.e., how many TDEs are within a given luminosity range). Here we show that if the luminous emission from a TDE is directly coupled to the rate of return of tidally destroyed debris to the SMBH, then the TDE luminosity function is in good agreement with observations and scales as ∝L −2.5for high luminosities, provided that the SMBH mass function —the number of SMBHs (N •) per SMBH mass (M •)—is approximately flat in the mass range over which we observe TDEs. We also show that there is a cutoff in the luminosity function at low luminosities that is a result of direct captures, and this cutoff has been tentatively observed. If is flat, which is in agreement with some observational campaigns, these results suggest that the fallback rate feeds the accretion rate in TDEs. Contrarily, if is flat, which has been found theoretically and is suggested by other observational investigations, then the emission from TDEs is likely powered by another mechanism. Future observations and more TDE statistics, provided by the Rubin Observatory/LSST, will provide additional evidence as to the reality of this tension.