At present, tides supply approximately half (1 TW) of the energy necessary to sustain the global deep meridional overturning circulation (MOC) through diapycnal mixing. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 19,000–26,500 years BP), tidal dissipation in the open ocean may have strongly increased due to the 120‐ to 130‐m global mean sea level drop and changes in ocean basin shape. However, few investigations into LGM climate and ocean circulation consider LGM tidal mixing changes. Here, using an intermediate complexity climate model, we present a detailed investigation on how changes in tidal dissipation would affect the global MOC. Present‐day and LGM tidal constituents M2, S2, K1, and O1are simulated using a tide model and accounting for LGM bathymetric changes. The tide model results suggest that the LGM energy supply to the internal wave field was 1.8–3 times larger than at present and highly sensitive to Antarctic and Laurentide ice sheet extent. Including realistic LGM tide forcing in the LGM climate simulations leads to large increases in Atlantic diapycnal diffusivities and strengthens (by 14–64% at 32°S) and deepens the Atlantic MOC. Increased input of tidal energy leads to a greater drawdown of North Atlantic Deep Water and mixing with Antarctic Bottom Water altering Atlantic temperature and salinity distributions. Our results imply that changes in tidal dissipation need be accounted for in paleoclimate simulation setup as they can lead to large differences in ocean mixing, the global MOC, and presumably also ocean carbon and other biogeochemical cycles.
Enhanced diapycnal mixing induced by the near-bottom breaking of internal waves is an essential component of the lower meridional overturning circulation. Despite its crucial role in the ocean circulation, tidally driven internal wave breaking is challenging to observe due to its inherently short spatial and temporal scales. We present detailed moored and shipboard observations that resolve the spatiotemporal variability of the tidal response over a small-scale bump embedded in the continental slope of Tasmania. Cross-shore tidal currents drive a nonlinear trapped response over the steep bottom around the bump. The observations are roughly consistent with two-dimensional high-mode tidal lee-wave theory. However, the alongshore tidal velocities are large, suggesting that the alongshore bathymetric variability modulates the tidal response driven by the cross-shore tidal flow. The semidiurnal tide and energy dissipation rate are correlated at subtidal time scales, but with complex temporal variability. Energy dissipation from a simple scattering model shows that the elevated near-bottom turbulence can be sustained by the impinging mode-1 internal tide, where the dissipation over the bump is
Near-bottom turbulent mixing is a key element of the global abyssal circulation. We present observations of the spatiotemporal variability of tidally driven turbulent processes over a small-scale topographic bump off Tasmania. The semidiurnal tide generates large-amplitude transient lee waves and hydraulic jumps that are unstable and dissipate the tidal energy. These processes are consistent with the scattering of the incident low-mode internal tide on the continental slope of Tasmania. Despite elevated turbulence over the bump, near-bottom energy dissipation is small relative to the incident wave energy flux.
- 10489568
- Publisher / Repository:
- American Meteorological Society
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Physical Oceanography
- Volume:
- 54
- Issue:
- 2
- 0022-3670
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: p. 601-615
- Size(s):
- p. 601-615
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract -
Recent mooring observations at a cross-channel section in Chesapeake Bay showed that internal solitary waves regularly appeared during certain phases of a tidal cycle and propagated from the deep channel to the shallow shoal. It was hypothesized that these waves resulted from the nonlinear steepening of internal lee waves generated by lateral currents over channel-shoal topography. In this study numerical modeling is conducted to investigate the interaction between lateral circulation and cross-channel topography and discern the generation mechanism of the internal lee waves. During ebb tides, lateral bottom Ekman forcing drives a counterclockwise (looking into estuary) lateral circulation, with strong currents advecting stratified water over the western flank of the deep channel and producing large isopycnal displacements. When the lateral flow becomes supercritical with respect to mode-2 internal waves, a mode-2 internal lee wave is generated on the flank of the deep channel and subsequently propagates onto the western shoal. When the bottom lateral flow becomes near-critical or supercritical with respect to mode-1 internal waves, the lee wave evolves into an internal hydraulic jump. On the shallow shoal, the lee waves or jumps evolve into internal bores of elevation.
Abstract Large-amplitude internal solitary waves were recently observed in a coastal plain estuary and were hypothesized to evolve from an internal lee wave generated at the channel–shoal interface. To test this mechanism, a 3D nonhydrostatic model with nested domains and adaptive grids was used to investigate the generation of the internal solitary waves and their subsequent nonlinear evolution. A complex sequence of wave propagation and transformation was documented and interpreted using the nonlinear wave theory based on the Korteweg–de Vries equation. During the ebb tide a mode-2 internal lee wave is generated by the interaction between lateral flows and channel–shoal topography. This mode-2 lee wave subsequently propagates onto the shallow shoal and transforms into a mode-1 wave of elevation as strong mixing on the flood tide erases stratification in the bottom boundary layer and the lower branch of the mode-2 wave. The mode-1 wave of elevation evolves into an internal solitary wave due to nonlinear steepening and spatial changes in the wave phase speed. As the solitary wave of elevation continues to propagate over the shoaling bottom, the leading edge moves ahead as a rarefaction wave while the trailing edge steepens and disintegrates into a train of rank-ordered internal solitary waves, due to the combined effects of shoaling and dispersion. Strong turbulence in the bottom boundary layer dissipates wave energy and causes the eventual destruction of the solitary waves. In the meantime, the internal solitary waves can generate elevated shear and dissipation rate in local regions.
Significance Statement In the coastal ocean nonlinear internal solitary waves are widely recognized to play an important role in generating turbulent mixing, modulating short-term variability of nearshore ecosystem, and transporting sediment and biochemical materials. However, their effects on shallow and stratified estuaries are poorly known and have been rarely studied. The nonhydrostatic model simulations presented in this paper shed new light into the generation, propagation, and transformation of the internal solitary waves in a coastal plain estuary.
Abstract Circulation patterns over the inner continental shelf can be spatially complex and highly variable in time. However, few studies have examined alongshore variability over short scales of kilometers or less. To observe inner‐shelf bottom temperatures with high (5‐m) horizontal resolution, a fiber‐optic distributed temperature sensing system was deployed along a 5‐km‐long portion of the 15‐m isobath within a larger‐scale mooring array south of Martha's Vineyard, MA. Over the span of 4 months, variability at a range of scales was observed along the cable over time periods of less than a day. Notably, rapid cooling events propagated down the cable away from a tidal mixing front, showing that propagating fronts on the inner shelf can be generated locally near shallow bathymetric features in addition to remote offshore locations. Propagation velocities of observed fronts were influenced by background tidal currents in the alongshore component and show a weak correlation with theoretical gravity current speeds in the cross‐shore component. These events provide a source of cold, dense water into the inner shelf. However, differences in the magnitude and frequency of cooling events at sites separated by a few kilometers in the alongshore direction suggest that the characteristics of small‐scale variability can vary dramatically and can result in differential fluxes of water, heat, and other tracers. Thus, under stratified conditions, prolonged subsurface observations with high spatial and temporal resolution are needed to characterize the implications of three‐dimensional circulation patterns on exchange, especially in regions where the coastline and isobaths are not straight.
Abstract In the Arctic Ocean, limited measurements indicate that the strongest mixing below the atmospherically forced surface mixed layer occurs where tidal currents are strong. However, mechanisms of energy conversion from tides to turbulence and the overall contribution of tidally driven mixing to Arctic Ocean state are poorly understood. We present measurements from the shelf north of Svalbard that show abrupt isopycnal vertical displacements of 10–50 m and intense dissipation associated with cross‐isobath diurnal tidal currents of
∼ 0.15 m s−1 . Energy from the barotropic tide accumulated in a trapped baroclinic lee wave during maximum downslope flow and was released around slack water. During a 6‐hr turbulent event, high‐frequency internal waves were present, the full 300‐m depth water column became turbulent, dissipation rates increased by a factor of 100, and turbulent heat flux averaged 15 W m−2 compared with the background rate of 1 W m−2 .