The Atlantic surfclam
- Award ID(s):
- 1841112
- 10491567
- Publisher / Repository:
- Wiley Periodicals LLC
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Marine and Coastal Fisheries
- Volume:
- 15
- Issue:
- 1
- 1942-5120
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) fishery generates approximately USD 30 million in landings revenues annually, distributed across ports throughout the US Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. Overlap between areas of Atlantic surfclam harvests and offshore wind energy leasing make the fishery vulnerable to exclusion and effort displacement as development expands in the region. An existing integrated bioeconomic agent-based model, including spatial dynamics in Atlantic surfclam stock biology, heterogeneous captain behaviour, and federal management processes, was extended to incorporate costs and revenues for fishing vessels and processors and used to evaluate the potential economic effects of offshore wind development on the Atlantic surfclam fishery. Fishing activity and economic outcomes were simulated under different offshore wind energy development scenarios that impose spatial restrictions on Atlantic surfclam vessel fishing and transiting behaviour. Decreases in the number of trips and shifts in the spatial distribution of fishing effort reduced revenues for Atlantic surfclam fishing vessels and processors by ∼3–15% and increased average fishing costs by < 1–5%, with impacts varying across development scenarios and fishing ports. The modelling approach used in this analysis has potential for addressing additional questions surrounding sustainable ocean multi-use and further quantifying interactions between offshore wind energy development and commercial fisheries.more » « less
Abstract Rising water temperatures along the northeastern U.S. continental shelf have resulted in an offshore range shift of the Atlantic surfclam
Spisula solidissima to waters still occupied by ocean quahogsArctica islandica . Fishers presently are prohibited from landing both Atlantic surfclams and ocean quahogs in the same catch, thus limiting fishing to locations where the target species can be sorted on deck. Wind energy development on and around the fishing grounds will further restrict the fishery. A spatially explicit model of the Atlantic surfclam fishery (Spatially Explicit Fishery Economics Simulator) has the ability to simulate the consequences of fishery displacement due to wind energy development in combination with fishery and stock dynamics related to the species' overlap with ocean quahogs. Five sets of simulations were run to determine the effect of varying degrees of species overlap due to Atlantic surfclam range shifts in conjunction with fishing constraints due to wind farm development. Simulations tracked changes in relative stock status, fishery performance, and the economic consequences for the fishery. Compared to a business‐as‐usual scenario, all scenarios with less‐restrictive fishing penalties due to species overlap exhibited higher raw catch numbers but also greater reductions in revenue and increases in cost after the implementation of wind farms. This analysis serves to demonstrate the response of the Atlantic surfclam fishery to combined pressures from competing ocean uses and climate change and emphasizes the potential for economic disruption of fisheries as climate change interacts with the evolution of ocean management on the continental shelf. -
Competing pressures imposed by climate-related warming and offshore development have created a need for quantitative approaches that anticipate fisheries responses to these challenges. This study used a spatially explicit, ecological-economic agent-based model integrating dynamics associated with Atlantic surfclam stock biology, decision-making behavior of fishing vessel captains, and fishing fleet behavior to simulate stock biomass, and fishing vessel catch, effort and landings. Simulations were implemented using contemporary Atlantic surfclam stock distributions and characteristics of the surfclam fishing fleet. Simulated distribution of fishable surfclam biomass was determined by a spatially varying mortality rate, fishing by the fleet was controlled by captain decisions based on previous knowledge, information sharing, and the ability to search and find fishing grounds. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of simulation results showed that this modeling approach sufficiently represents Atlantic surfclam fishery dynamics. A fishing simulation showed that the captain's decision-making and stock knowledge, and the distribution of fishing grounds relative to home ports controlled the landed catch. The approach used herein serves as the basis for future studies examining response of the Atlantic surfclam fishery to a nexus of simultaneous, complex natural and anthropogenic pressures, and provides a framework for similar models for other resources facing similar pressures.more » « less
Abstract The Atlantic surfclam (
Spisula solidissima solidissima ) is an economically valuable clam species that supports a major US fishery. Until recently, fishery efforts along the southern edge of the surfclam range were low due to clam mortalities there in the 1990s. Recent surfclam fishing efforts off Virginia raised questions of whether the surfclam population has returned in the southern region or if a single cohort is supporting the fishery there. Questions have also arisen about whetherS. s. similis is among the population fished off the coast of VA.Spisula solidissima similis is a warm-water cryptic subspecies of the Atlantic surfclam. Although morphologically indistinguishable,S. s. similis grows to a smaller size and is genetically distinct. Atlantic surfclams (n = 103) were collected from the fishing grounds off the coast of VA. Each surfclam was aged, and shell length and tissue weight recorded for comparison to surfclams of the same age from the center of the population. Analyses of mitochondrial (mtCOI) sequences suggests that the two groups sampled off VA are genetically homogeneous, both groups contain two divergent mitochondrial lineages, and one surfclam sampled shares theS. s. similis mtCOI sequence. There are multiple cohorts of surfclams, suggesting that environmental conditions may have improved for surfclams in the south, or that this population has acclimated to altered conditions. Further research should investigate the potential for subspecies hybridization. -
Abstract The management and conservation of tuna and other transboundary marine species have to date been limited by an incomplete understanding of the oceanographic, ecological and socioeconomic factors mediating fishery overlap and interactions, and how these factors vary across expansive, open ocean habitats. Despite advances in fisheries monitoring and biologging technology, few attempts have been made to conduct integrated ecological analyses at basin scales relevant to pelagic fisheries and the highly migratory species they target. Here, we use vessel tracking data, archival tags, observer records, and machine learning to examine inter‐ and intra‐annual variability in fisheries overlap (2013–2020) of five pelagic longline fishing fleets with North Pacific albacore tuna (
Thunnus alalunga , Scombridae). Although progressive declines in catch and biomass have been observed over the past several decades, the North Pacific albacore is one of the only Pacific tuna stocks primarily targeted by pelagic longlines not currently listed as overfished or experiencing overfishing. We find that fishery overlap varies significantly across time and space as mediated by (1) differences in habitat preferences between juvenile and adult albacore; (2) variation of oceanographic features known to aggregate pelagic biomass; and (3) the different spatial niches targeted by shallow‐set and deep‐set longline fishing gear. These findings may have significant implications for stock assessment in this and other transboundary fishery systems, particularly the reliance on fishery‐dependent data to index abundance. Indeed, we argue that additional consideration of how overlap, catchability, and size selectivity parameters vary over time and space may be required to ensure the development of robust, equitable, and climate‐resilient harvest control rules.