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Title: Predicting intelligibility from pronunciation distance metrics
Unfamiliar native and non-native accents can cause word recognition challenges, particularly in noisy environments, but few studies have incorporated quantitative pronunciation distance metrics to explain intelligibility differences across accents. Here, intelligibility was measured for 18 talkers -- two from each of three native, one bilingual, and five non- native accents -- in three listening conditions (quiet and two noise conditions). Two variations of the Levenshtein pronunciation distance metric, which quantifies phonemic differences from a reference accent, were assessed for their ability to predict intelligibility. An unweighted Levenshtein distance metric was the best intelligibility predictor; talker accent further predicted performance. Accuracy did not fall along a native - non-native divide. Thus, phonemic differences from the listener’s home accent primarily determine intelligibility, but other accent- specific pronunciation features, including suprasegmental characteristics, must be quantified to fully explain intelligibility across talkers and listening conditions. These results have implications for pedagogical practices and speech perception theories.  more » « less
Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
Radek Skarnitzl & Jan Volín
Publisher / Repository:
Guarant International
Date Published:
Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
Speech perception intelligibility non-native accents regional accents
Medium: X
Prague, Czech Republic
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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