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Title: Analysis of Fire-Induced Circulations during the FireFlux2 Experiment

Despite recent advances in both coupled fire modeling and measurement techniques to sample the fire environment, the fire–atmosphere coupling mechanisms that lead to fast propagating wildfires remain poorly understood. This knowledge gap adversely affects fire management when wildland fires propagate unexpectedly rapidly and shift direction due to the fire impacts on local wind conditions. In this work, we utilized observational data from the FireFlux2 prescribed burn and numerical simulations performed with a coupled fire–atmosphere model WRF-SFIRE to assess the small-scale impacts of fire on local micrometeorology under moderate wind conditions (10–12 m/s). The FireFlux2 prescribed burn provided a comprehensive observational dataset with in situ meteorological observations as well as IR measurements of fire progression. To directly quantify the effects of fire–atmosphere interactions, two WRF-SFIRE simulations were executed. One simulation was run in a two-way coupled mode in which the heat and moisture fluxes emitted from the fire were injected into the atmosphere, and the other simulation was performed in a one-way coupled mode for which the atmosphere was not affected by the fire. The difference between these two simulations was used to analyze and quantify the fire impacts on the atmospheric circulation at different sections of the fire front. The fire-released heat fluxes resulted in vertical velocities as high as 10.8 m/s at the highest measurement level (20 m above ground level) gradually diminishing with height and dropping to 7.9 m/s at 5.77 m. The fire-induced horizontal winds indicated the strongest fire-induced flow at the lowest measurement levels (as high as 3.3 m/s) gradually decreasing to less than 1 m/s at 20 m above ground level. The analysis of the simulated flow indicates significant differences between the fire-induced circulation at the fire head and on the flanks. The fire-induced circulation was much stronger near the fire head than at the flanks, where the fire did not produce particularly strong cross-fire flow and did not significantly change the lateral fire progression. However, at the head of the fire the fire-induced winds blowing across the front were the strongest and significantly accelerated fire progression. The two-way coupled simulation including the fire-induced winds produced 36.2% faster fire propagation than the one-way coupled run, and more realistically represented the fire progression.

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National Science Foundation
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