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Title: Identification of sex chromosomes and primary sex ratio in the small hive beetle, a worldwide parasite of honey bees
Abstract Background

The small hive beetle (SHB), Aethina tumida, has emerged as a worldwide threat to honey bees in the past two decades. These beetles harvest nest resources, feed on larval bees, and ultimately spoil nest resources with gelatinous slime together with the fungal symbiont Kodamaea ohmeri.


Here, we present the first chromosome-level genome assembly for the SHB. With a 99.1% representation of conserved (BUSCO) arthropod genes, this resource enables the study of chemosensory, digestive, and detoxification traits critical for SHB success and possible control. We use this annotated assembly to characterize features of SHB sex chromosomes and a female-skewed primary sex ratio. We also found chromosome fusion and a lower recombination rate in sex chromosomes than in autosomes.


Genome-enabled insights will clarify the traits that allowed this beetle to exploit hive resources successfully and will be critical for determining the causes of observed sex ratio asymmetries.

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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Oxford University Press
Date Published:
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Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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