Roughly every decade, the ACM and IEEE professional organizations have produced recommendations for the education of undergraduate computer science students. These guidelines are used worldwide by research universities, liberal arts colleges, and community colleges. For the latest 2023 revision of the curriculum, AAAI has collaborated with ACM and IEEE to integrate artificial intelligence more broadly into this new curriculum and to address the issues it raises for students, instructors, practitioners, policy makers, and the general public. This paper describes the development process and rationale that underlie the artificial intelligence components of the CS2023 curriculum, discusses the challenges in curriculum design for such a rapidly advancing field, and examines lessons learned during this three-year process.
This content will become publicly available on December 5, 2024
Perspectives on Computer Science Curricula 2023 (CS2023)
Undergraduate Computer Science (CS) curricular guidelines have been published regularly since 1968, and the latest released in 2013. From early 2021, a task force of the ACM, IEEE-Computer Society, and the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) has worked on a decennial revision titled the ACM/IEEE-CS/AAAI Computer Science 2023 Curricula (CS2023).
The CS2023 task force includes a 17-member steering committee, 17 knowledge area subcommittees, and an international group of disciplinary experts. CS2023 provides curricular content – a knowledge model largely backward compatible with CS2013, supplemented by a competency model – and curricular practices, comprising articles by independent experts on program design and delivery that complement curricular content guidelines. CS2023 will inform educators and administrators on the what, why, and how to cover undergraduate CS over the next decade.
Ongoing work on CS2023 has been disseminated widely over the past two years: via the task force website; presentations at computing education conferences, e.g., SIGCSE Technical Symposium 2023; articles, e.g., ACM Inroads; emails to various computing education mailing lists; gathering community feedback via surveys and special sessions; and soliciting and receiving expert blind peer reviews. Building on earlier drafts, a gamma draft was released in September 2023, with the final version due by the end of 2023.
This panel examines CS2023 from different perspectives. All panelists serve on the CS2023 steering committee and have an intimate understanding of CS2023. The moderator will lay out its overall vision and structure while panelists will emphasize three major perspectives of CS education: software development fundamentals; systems development; and the increased role of societal, ethical, and professional aspects crucial to a modern CS graduate. Strong interdependencies exist between these perspectives, along with tensions arising from how much can be squeezed into a tight undergraduate CS curriculum. Attendees will take home an understanding of the approach taken by the CS2023 task force, the constraints on curriculum design, and how best to use the CS2023 guidelines to educate the next generation of CS graduates.
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- 10501922
- Publisher / Repository:
- Date Published:
- 9798400703744
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 187 to 188
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- Computer Science Curricular Guidelines, Model Curricula
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- Hyderabad India
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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