The use of Command governors (CGs) to enforce pointwise-in-time state and control
constraints by minimally altering reference commands to closed-loop systems has been proposed
for a range of aerospace applications. In this paper, we revisit the design of the CG and
describe approaches to its implementation based directly on a bilevel (inner loop + outer
loop) optimization problem in the formulation of CG. Such approaches do not require offline
construction and storage of constraint admissible sets nor the use of online trajectory prediction,
and hence can be beneficial in situations when the reference command is high-dimensional
and constraints are nonlinear and change with time or are reconfigured online. In the case of
linear systems with linear constraints, or in the case of nonlinear systems with linear constraints
for which a quadratic Lyapunov function is available, the inner loop optimization problem is
explicitly solvable and the bilevel optimization reduces to a single stage optimization. In other
cases, a reformulation of the bilevel optimization problem into a mathematical programming
problem with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) can be used to arrive at a single stage optimization
problem. By applying the bilevel optimization-based CG to the classical low thrust orbital
transfer problem, in which the dynamics are represented by Gauss-Variational Equations
(GVEs) and the nominal controller is of Lyapunov type, we demonstrate that constraints, such
as on the radius of periapsis to avoid planetary collision, on the osculating orbit eccentricity
and on the thrust magnitude can be handled. Furthermore, in this case the parameters of the
Lyapunov function can be simultaneously optimized online resulting in faster maneuvers.
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This content will become publicly available on February 13, 2025
Non-Convex Bilevel Optimization with Time-Varying Objective Functions
Bilevel optimization has become a powerful tool in a wide variety of machine learning problems. However, the current nonconvex bilevel optimization considers an offline dataset and static functions, which may not work well in emerging online applications with streaming data and time-varying functions. In this work, we study online bilevel optimization (OBO) where the functions can be time-varying and the agent continuously updates the decisions with online streaming data. To deal with the function variations and the unavailability of the true hypergradients in OBO, we propose a single-loop online bilevel optimizer with window averaging (SOBOW), which updates the outer-level decision based on a window average of the most recent hypergradient estimations stored in the memory. Compared to existing algorithms, SOBOW is computationally efficient and does not need to know previous functions. To handle the unique technical difficulties rooted in single-loop update and function variations for OBO, we develop a novel analytical technique that disentangles the complex couplings between decision variables, and carefully controls the hypergradient estimation error. We show that SOBOW can achieve a sublinear bilevel local regret under mild conditions. Extensive experiments across multiple domains corroborate the effectiveness of SOBOW.
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- Award ID(s):
- 2311274
- 10505561
- Publisher / Repository:
- Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
- Date Published:
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- Neural Information Processing Systems
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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