This dataset contains population, meteorological, phenological, and chemical data collected from tropical montane stream and forest ecosystems.
This synthesis product merges 11 distinct datasets into a single comprehensive resource, facilitating easier comparison and study of diverse ecological data.
Try our data explorer [here.]( It provides a multi-faceted dataset essential to enhance biodiversity monitoring, ecosystem management, and global change research. Data spans from 1975 to 2024, with some gaps and missing data points. Particularly at the beginning of the time span measurements started with temperature and rainfall before other dataset collections began with the inception of the LUQ LTER in the late 1980s.
For phenology 17 species were selected for inclusion, listed below. 11 dominant species as described in Uriarte et al. 2009 (DOI 10.1890/08-0707.1). As well as in decline species PALRIP- Palicourea riparia and CISVER - Cissus verticillata. Species that show
a strong response to hurricanes PHYRIV - Phytolacca rivinoides- an understory herb and IPOTL -Ipomoea tiliacea- Morning glory vine. And a species thriving understory shrub SMIDOM - Smilax domingensis.
- **From Uriarte et al. 2009 these 11 species represent 75% of the stems >=10 cm dbh in the LFDP plot: **
- **ALCLAT** - Alchornea latifolia
- **CASARB** - Casearia arborea
- **CECSCH** - Cecropia schreberiana
- **DACEXC** - Dacryodes excelsa
- **GUAGUI** - Guarea guidonia
- **INGLAU** - Inga laurina
- **MANBID** - Manilkara bidentata
- **PREMON** - Prestoea montana
- **SCHMOR** - Schefflera morototoni
- **SLOBER** - Sloanea berteriana
- **TABHET** - Tabebuia heterophylla
- **PALRIP** - Palicourea riparia
- For more details on methods and variables see each individual dataset:
- Canopy Trimming Experiment (CTE) Litterfall: [](
- Litterfall in tabonuco (subtropical wet) forest in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico (MRCE Litterfall data): [](
- Rainfall at El Verde Field Station, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico since 1975: [](
- Maximum temperature at El Verde Field Station, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico since October 1992: [](
- Minimum temperature at El Verde Field Station, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico since 1975: [](
- Chemistry of stream water from the Luquillo Mountains, Quebrada Sonadora and Quebrada Prieta: [](
- Shrimp populations in Quebrada Prieta (Pools 0, 8, 9, 15) (El Verde): [](
- Meteorological data from El Verde Field Station: NADP Tower: [](
- Chemistry of rainfall and throughfall from El Verde and Bisley: [](
- Phenologies of the Tabonuco Forest trees and shrubs: [](
- Prieta streams - Discharge and water level: [](
We would like to acknowledge the contributions of all those who have worked in the Luquillo LTER over the course of its 36 year and counting history. The LUQ LTER thanks you for your contribution.
Code for generating this signature dataset are available on github here: [](
Support for this work was provided by grants BSR-8811902, DEB-9411973, DEB-9705814 , DEB-0080538, DEB-0218039 , DEB-0620910 , DEB-1239764, DEB-1546686, and DEB-1831952 from the National Science Foundation to the University of Puerto Rico as part of the Luquillo Long-Term Ecological Research Program. Additional support was provided by the USDA Forest Service International Institute of Tropical Forestry and the University of Puerto Rico.
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Holocene eolian sediment and organic matter from terraces and hillslopes around Healy, central Alaska
Three natural exposures near Healy, Alaska (Dry Creek, Panguingue Creek, and Healy Spur) and transects of shallow cores from three hillslopes near Eight Mile Lake were analyzed for particle-size distribution, loss-on-ignition for organic matter content, and radiocarbon dating. This study is part of a Master’s thesis research project by Walker at Northern Arizona University ( It builds on work of Marshall et al. (2023; doi: 10.1029/2022JG007290) who reported data from additional sediment cores taken along one of the hillslopes in this study, namely Hillslope A ( The motivation was to compare datasets of eolian material between different depositional settings, as well as identify trends in eolian thickness and particle size across the Healy landscape to reconstruct Holocene eolian deposition and identify the factors influencing depositon.
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- Award ID(s):
- 1844205
- 10506806
- Publisher / Repository:
- NSF Arctic Data Center
- Date Published:
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- Permafrost Organic Matter Eolian Sediment Paleosol Loess Arctic Alaska Holocene BNZ LTER Hillslope River Terrace Carbon Particle Size
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- central Alaska
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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