Specific interactions between bacteria and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EcMF) can benefit plant health, and saprotrophic soil fungi represent a potentially antagonistic guild to these mutualisms. Yet there is little field‐derived experimental evidence showing how the relationship among these three organismal groups manifests across time. To bridge this knowledge gap, we experimentally reduced EcMF in forest soils and monitored both bacterial and fungal soil communities over the course of a year. Our analyses demonstrate that soil trenching shifts the community composition of fungal communities towards a greater abundance of taxa with saprotrophic traits, and this shift is linked to a decrease in both EcMF and a common ectomycorrhizal helper bacterial genus,
This content will become publicly available on May 8, 2025
Most of Earth’s trees rely on critical soil nutrients that ectomycorrhizal fungi (EcMF) liberate and provide, and all of Earth’s land plants associate with bacteria that help them survive in nature. Yet, our understanding of how the presence of EcMF modifies soil bacterial communities, soil food webs, and root chemistry requires direct experimental evidence to comprehend the effects that EcMF may generate in the belowground plant microbiome. To this end, we grew
Understanding how soil microbes interact with one another and their host plant will help us combat the negative effects that climate change has on terrestrial ecosystems. Unfortunately, we lack a clear understanding of how the presence of ectomycorrhizal fungi (EcMF)—one of the most dominant soil microbial groups on Earth—shapes belowground organic resources and the composition of bacterial communities. To address this knowledge gap, we profiled lipid and non-lipid metabolites in soils and plant roots, characterized soil bacterial communities, and compared soils amended either with or without EcMF. Our results show that the presence of EcMF changes soil organic resource availability, impacts the proliferation of different bacterial communities (in terms of both type and potential function), and primes plant root chemistry for pathogen suppression and energy conservation. Our findings therefore provide much-needed insight into how two of the most dominant soil microbial groups interact with one another and with their host plant.
- 10513361
- Editor(s):
- Gao, Cheng
- Publisher / Repository:
- American Society for Microbiology
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- mSystems
- 2379-5077
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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ABSTRACT Burkholderia , in a time‐dependent manner. These results not only reveal the temporal nature of a widespread tripartite symbiosis between bacteria, EcMF and a shared host tree, but they also refine our understanding of the commonly referenced ‘Gadgil effect’ by illustrating the cascading effects of EcMF suppression and implicating soil saprotrophic fungi as potential antagonists on bacterial‐EcMF interactions. -
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