- Award ID(s):
- 2239880
- 10515831
- Publisher / Repository:
- Date Published:
- 979-8-3503-2010-7
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 5194 to 5197
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- Pasadena, CA, USA
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Accurate estimation of surface precipitation with high spatial and temporal resolution is critical for decision making regarding severe weather and water resources management. Polarimetric weather radar is the main operational instrument used for quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE). However, conventional parametric radar QPE algorithms such as the radar reflectivity (Z) and rain rate (R) relations cannot fully represent clouds and precipitation dynamics due to their dependency on local raindrop size distributions and the inherent parameterization errors. This article develops four deep learning (DL) models for polarimetric radar QPE (i.e., RQPENetD1, RQPENetD2, RQPENetV, RQPENetR) using different core building blocks. In particular, multi-dimensional polarimetric radar observations are utilized as input and surface gauge measurements are used as training labels. The feasibility and performance of these DL models are demonstrated and quantified using U.S. Weather Surveillance Radar - 1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) observations near Melbourne, Florida. The experimental results show that the dense blocks-based models (i.e., RQPENetD1 and RQPENetD2) have better performance than residual blocks, RepVGG blocks-based models (i.e., RQPENetR and RQPENetV) and five traditional Z-R relations. RQPENetD1 has the best quantitative performance scores, with a mean absolute error (MAE) of 1.58 mm, root mean squared error (RMSE) of 2.68 mm, normalized standard error (NSE) of 26%, and correlation of 0.92 for hourly rainfall estimates using independent rain gauge data as references. These results suggest that deep learning performs well in mapping the connection between polarimetric radar observations aloft and surface rainfall.more » « less
Abstract Machine learning‐based approaches demonstrate a significant potential in radar quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) applications. In contrast to conventional methods that depend on local raindrop size distributions, deep learning (DL) can establish an effective mapping from three‐dimensional radar observations to ground rain rates. However, the lack of transparency in DL models poses challenges toward understanding the underlying physical mechanisms that drive their outcomes. This study aims to develop a DL‐based QPE system and provide a physical explanation of radar precipitation estimation process. This research is designed by employing a deep neural network consisting of two modules. The first module is a quantitative precipitation estimation network that has the capability to learn precipitation patterns and spatial distribution from multidimensional polarimetric radar observations. The second module introduces a quantitative precipitation estimation shapley additive explanations method to quantify the influence of each radar observable on the model estimate across various precipitation intensities.
Abstract Raindrop size distributions (DSD) and rain rate have been estimated from polarimetric radar data using different approaches with the accuracy depending on the errors both in the radar measurements and the estimation methods. Herein, a deep neural network (DNN) technique was utilized to improve the estimation of the DSD and rain rate by mitigating these errors. The performance of this approach was evaluated using measurements from a two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) at the Kessler Atmospheric and Ecological Field Station in Oklahoma as ground truth with the results compared against conventional estimation methods for the period 2006–17. Physical parameters (mass-/volume-weighted diameter and liquid water content), rain rate, and polarimetric radar variables (including radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity) were obtained from the DSD data. Three methods—physics-based inversion, empirical formula, and DNN—were applied to two different temporal domains (instantaneous and rain-event average) with three diverse error assumptions (fitting, measurement, and model errors). The DSD retrievals and rain estimates from 18 cases were evaluated by calculating the bias and root-mean-squared error (RMSE). DNN produced the best performance for most cases, with up to a 5% reduction in RMSE when model errors existed. DSD and rain estimated from a nearby polarimetric radar using the empirical and DNN methods were well correlated with the disdrometer observations; the rain-rate estimate bias of the DNN was significantly reduced (3.3% in DNN vs 50.1% in empirical). These results suggest that DNN has advantages over the physics-based and empirical methods in retrieving rain microphysics from radar observations.
Abstract Accurate and timely precipitation estimates are critical for monitoring and forecasting natural disasters such as floods. Despite having high-resolution satellite information, precipitation estimation from remotely sensed data still suffers from methodological limitations. State-of-the-art deep learning algorithms, renowned for their skill in learning accurate patterns within large and complex datasets, appear well suited to the task of precipitation estimation, given the ample amount of high-resolution satellite data. In this study, the effectiveness of applying convolutional neural networks (CNNs) together with the infrared (IR) and water vapor (WV) channels from geostationary satellites for estimating precipitation rate is explored. The proposed model performances are evaluated during summer 2012 and 2013 over central CONUS at the spatial resolution of 0.08° and at an hourly time scale. Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information Using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN)–Cloud Classification System (CCS), which is an operational satellite-based product, and PERSIANN–Stacked Denoising Autoencoder (PERSIANN-SDAE) are employed as baseline models. Results demonstrate that the proposed model (PERSIANN-CNN) provides more accurate rainfall estimates compared to the baseline models at various temporal and spatial scales. Specifically, PERSIANN-CNN outperforms PERSIANN-CCS (and PERSIANN-SDAE) by 54% (and 23%) in the critical success index (CSI), demonstrating the detection skills of the model. Furthermore, the root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the rainfall estimates with respect to the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Stage IV gauge–radar data, for PERSIANN-CNN was lower than that of PERSIANN-CCS (PERSIANN-SDAE) by 37% (14%), showing the estimation accuracy of the proposed model.
The task of nowcasting by deep learning using multivariate, rather than just reflectivity, is limited by poor interpretability. The previous experiment designed MCT (Multivariate Channel Transformer), a deep learning model capable of nowcasting with dual-polarization radar data. Four analytical methods are designed to further explore the contribution of polarization parameters: (i) Case studies of different meteorological processes. (ii) A permutation test ranking the significance of each variable. (iii) Visualization of the feature maps obtained by forward propagation of the input data. (iv) Data downscaling of polarimetric radar data. The results show that the polarization parameters serve as a guide to predict the location and shape of strong reflectivity, as well as the energy retention of strong echoes at 40-50 dBZ. The contributions of Zdr and Kdp are more evident in the prediction results after 30 min, and the importance of Kdp exceeds that of Zdr in case of strong convective weather.more » « less