We present the first near-linear-time algorithm that computes a (1+ε)-approximation of the diameter of a weighted unit-disk graph of n vertices. Our algorithm requires O(n log^2 n)
time for any constant ε>0, so we considerably improve upon the near-O(n^{3/2})-time algorithm of Gao and Zhang (2005). Using similar ideas we develop (1+ε)-approximate \emph{distance oracles} of O(1) query time with a likewise improvement in the preprocessing time, specifically from near O(n^{3/2}) to O(n log^3 n). We also obtain similar new results for a number of related problems in the weighted unit-disk graph metric such as the radius and the bichromatic closest pair.
As a further application we employ our distance oracle, along with additional ideas, to solve the (1+ε)-approximate \emph{all-pairs bounded-leg shortest paths\/} (apBLSP) problem for a set of n planar points. Our data structure requires O(n^2 log n) space, O(loglog n) query time, and nearly O(n^{2.579}) preprocessing time for any constant ε>0, and is the first that breaks the near-cubic preprocessing time bound given by Roditty and Segal (2011).
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Approximation Algorithm for Norm Multiway Cut
We consider variants of the classic Multiway Cut problem. Multiway Cut asks to partition a graph G into k parts so as to separate k given terminals. Recently, Chandrasekaran and Wang (ESA 2021) introduced l_p-norm Multiway Cut, a generalization of the problem, in which the goal is to minimize the l_p norm of the edge boundaries of k parts. We provide an O(log^{1/2} n log^{1/2 + 1/p} k) approximation algorithm for this problem, improving upon the approximation guarantee of O(log^{3/2} n log^{1/2} k) due to Chandrasekaran and Wang.
We also introduce and study Norm Multiway Cut, a further generalization of Multiway Cut. We assume that we are given access to an oracle, which answers certain queries about the norm. We present an O(log^{1/2} n log^{7/2} k) approximation algorithm with a weaker oracle and an O(log^{1/2} n log^{5/2} k) approximation algorithm with a stronger oracle. Additionally, we show that without any oracle access, there is no n^{1/4-ε} approximation algorithm for every ε > 0 assuming the Hypergraph Dense-vs-Random Conjecture.
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- 10518040
- Editor(s):
- Gørtz, Inge Li; Farach-Colton, Martin; Puglisi, Simon J; Herman, Grzegorz
- Publisher / Repository:
- Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Proceedings of the European Symposium on Algorithms
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- Multiway cut Approximation algorithms Theory of computation → Approximation algorithms analysis
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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