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Title: A phylogenomic monograph of West-Palearctic Nomada (Hymenoptera: Apidae)

We reconstruct the phylogeny of the most speciose genus of cuckoo bees, genus Nomada Scopoli, 1770, using 221 species from throughout its distribution, yet with a strong emphasis on the West Palearctic. For phylogenetic reconstruction, we sequenced ultraconserved elements, allowing robust phylogenetic estimates with both concatenation and coalescent-based methods. By integrating extensive information on Nomada host records, we study macroevolutionary patterns of host associations, transitions, and phylogenetic conservatism. Using Bayesian divergence time estimates, we assess the historical biogeography of the genus, focusing on the West Palearctic. Our results show that Nomada likely originated in the Eastern Mediterranean and Near Eastern region, and likely expanded its range to a near-global distribution from there. We recovered long-standing phylogenetic conservatism in the host usage of Nomada and provided strong statistical evidence for an ancestral host association with Andrena and its most recent common ancestor. However, host transitions occurred multiple times independently in the natural history of Nomada, and species of the genus are brood parasites in at least 5 genera and 4 different families of bees in the Old World. At last, we systematically revise the taxonomy of the Old World Nomada by integrating morphological study with our well-supported phylogenetic estimates. We re-establish the genus Acanthonomada Schwarz, 1966, stat. res., as a distinct, second genus in the tribe Nomadini. We recognize 13 subgenera for Nomada, 9 of which are described as new: Afronomada Straka and Bossert, subgen. nov., Colliculla Straka, subgen. nov., Gestamen Straka, subgen. nov., Hungias Straka, subgen. nov., Mininomada Straka, subgen. nov., Nomacolla Straka, subgen. nov., Nomonosa Straka, subgen. nov., Plumada Straka, subgen. nov., and Profuga Straka, subgen. nov. Aside from the subgenus Nomada s.s., we reinstitute 3 previously synonymized subgenera: Heminomada Cockerell, 1902, stat. res., Holonomada Robertson, 1903, stat. res., and Hypochrotaenia Holmberg, 1886 stat. res. A total of 15 subgeneric names are formally synonymized with the newly established subgeneric concepts.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ;
Hines, Heather
Publisher / Repository:
Oxford University Press
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Insect Systematics and Diversity
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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