This content will become publicly available on July 1, 2025
- Award ID(s):
- 2012893
- 10520710
- Publisher / Repository:
- preprint at
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of geophysical research Biogeosciences
- 2169-8953
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The self-assembly of gold nanorods (AuNRs) of different sizes with a block copolymer (BCP) is studied. Polystyrene- block -poly(2-vinylpyridine) (PS- b -P2VP) films containing P2VP functionalized AuNRs are solvent annealed resulting in a BCP morphology of vertical P2VP cylinders in a PS matrix. At the surface of the PS- b -P2VP films long AuNRs are found in the bridging and vertical states. The bridging state is where the long axis of the AuNR is parallel to the film surface, the AuNR is embedded in the film, and each end of the AuNR is at the top of nearest neighbor P2VP cylinders. The vertical state is where the AuNR is localized within a vertical P2VP cylinder, the AuNR long axis is perpendicular to the film surface and the upper tip of the AuNR is at the film surface. Short AuNRs were found in the bridging and vertical states as well as in a state not observed for the long AuNRs, the centered state. The centered state is where an AuNR has its long axis parallel to the film surface, is embedded in the film, and is centered over a vertical P2VP cylinder. Hybrid particle-field theory (HPFT) simulations modeling the experimental system predict that for the long AuNRs only the bridging state should be observed while for the short AuNRs only the bridging and centered states should be observed. Possible explanations for why the vertical state is observed in experiments despite being thermodynamically unfavorable in simulations are discussed. HPFT simulations also show that when a nanorod is in the bridging state the two cylinders it bridges remain intact and extend from the nanorod to the substrate. Further, the minority block of the BCP is shown to wet the bottom of the bridging nanorod. The bridging state is very promising for the future development of self-assembled nanoscale devices.more » « less
Modification to the law of the wall represented by a dimensionless correction function ϕRSL(z/h) is derived using atmospheric turbulence measurements collected at two sites in the Amazon in near-neutral stratification, where z is the distance from the forest floor and h is the mean canopy height. The sites are the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory for z/h∈[1,2.3] and the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon) site for z/h∈[1,1.4]. A link between the vertical velocity spectrum Eww(k) (k is the longitudinal wavenumber) and ϕRSL is then established using a co-spectral budget (CSB) model interpreted by the moving-equilibrium hypothesis. The key finding is that ϕRSL is determined by the ratio of two turbulent viscosities and is given as νt,BL/νt,RSL, where νt,RSL=(1/A)∫0∞τ(k)Eww(k)dk, νt,BL=kv(z−d)u*, τ(k) is a scale-dependent decorrelation time scale between velocity components, A=CR/(1−CI)=4.5 is predicted from the Rotta constant CR=1.8, and the isotropization of production constant CI=3/5 given by rapid distortion theory, kv is the von Kármán constant, u* is the friction velocity at the canopy top, and d is the zero-plane displacement. Because the transfer of energy across scales is conserved in Eww(k) and is determined by the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate (ε), the CSB model also predicts that ϕRSL scales with LBL/Ld, where LBL is the length scale of attached eddies to z=d, and Ld=u*3/ε is a macro-scale dissipation length.
Two prominent arctic coastal erosion mechanisms affect the coastal bluffs along the North Slope of Alaska. These include the niche erosion/block collapse mechanism and the bluff face thaw/slump mechanism. The niche erosion/block collapse erosion mechanism is dominant where there are few coarse sediments in the coastal bluffs, the elevation of the beach below the bluff is low, and there is frequent contact between the sea and the base of the bluff. In contrast, the bluff face thaw/slump mechanism is dominant where significant amounts of coarse sediment are present, the elevation of the beach is high, and contact between the sea and the bluff is infrequent. We show that a single geologic parameter, coarse sediment areal density, is predictive of the dominant erosion mechanism and is somewhat predictive of coastal erosion rates. The coarse sediment areal density is the dry mass (g) of coarse sediment (sand and gravel) per horizontal area (cm 2 ) in the coastal bluff. It accounts for bluff height and the density of coarse material in the bluff. When the areal density exceeds 120 g cm −2 , the bluff face thaw/slump mechanism is dominant. When the areal density is below 80 g cm −2 , niche erosion/block collapse is dominant. Coarse sediment areal density also controls the coastal erosion rate to some extent. For the sites studied and using erosion rates for the 1980–2000 period, when the sediment areal density exceeds 120 g cm −2 , the average erosion rate is low or 0.34 ± 0.92 m/yr. For sediment areal density values less than 80 g cm −2 , the average erosion rate is higher or 2.1 ± 1.5 m/yr.more » « less
Deterministic optimal impulse control problem with terminal state constraint is considered. Due to the appearance of the terminal state constraint, the value function might be discontinuous in general. The main contribution of this paper is the introduction of an intrinsic condition under which the value function is proved to be continuous. Then by a Bellman dynamic programming principle, the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman type quasi-variational inequality (QVI, for short) is derived. The value function is proved to be a viscosity solution to such a QVI. The issue of whether the value function is characterized as the unique viscosity solution to this QVI is carefully addressed and the answer is left open challengingly.more » « less
A bstract Two-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter is a convenient spacetime in which to study the effects of horizons on quantum fields since the spacetime contains two horizons, and the wave equation for a massless minimally coupled scalar field can be solved exactly. The two-point correlation function of a massless scalar is computed in the Unruh state. It is found that the field correlations grow linearly in terms of a particular time coordinate that is good in the future development of the past horizons, and that the rate of growth is equal to the sum of the black hole plus cosmological surface gravities. This time dependence results from additive contributions of each horizon component of the past Cauchy surface that is used to define the state. The state becomes the Bunch-Davies vacuum in the cosmological far field limit. The two point function for the field velocities is also analyzed and a peak is found when one point is between the black hole and cosmological horizons and one point is outside the future cosmological horizon.more » « less