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Title: Criticality and chaos in auditory and vestibular sensing

The auditory and vestibular systems exhibit remarkable sensitivity of detection, responding to deflections on the order of angstroms, even in the presence of biological noise. The auditory system exhibits high temporal acuity and frequency selectivity, allowing us to make sense of the acoustic world around us. As the acoustic signals of interest span many orders of magnitude in both amplitude and frequency, this system relies heavily on nonlinearities and power-law scaling. The vestibular system, which detects ground-borne vibrations and creates the sense of balance, exhibits highly sensitive, broadband detection. It likewise requires high temporal acuity so as to allow us to maintain balance while in motion. The behavior of these sensory systems has been extensively studied in the context of dynamical systems theory, with many empirical phenomena described by critical dynamics. Other phenomena have been explained by systems in the chaotic regime, where weak perturbations drastically impact the future state of the system. Using a Hopf oscillator as a simple numerical model for a sensory element in these systems, we explore the intersection of the two types of dynamical phenomena. We identify the relative tradeoffs between different detection metrics, and propose that, for both types of sensory systems, the instabilities giving rise to chaotic dynamics improve signal detection.

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Scientific Reports
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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