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Title: Computational-Statistical Gaps in Gaussian Single-Index Models
Single-Index Models are high-dimensional regression problems with planted structure, whereby labels depend on an unknown one-dimensional projection of the input via a generic, non-linear, and potentially non-deterministic transformation. As such, they encompass a broad class of statistical inference tasks, and provide a rich template to study statistical and computational trade-offs in the high-dimensional regime. While the information-theoretic sample complexity to recover the hidden direction is lin- ear in the dimension d, we show that computationally efficient algorithms, both within the Statistical Query (SQ) and the Low-Degree Polynomial (LDP) framework, necessarily require Ω(dk⋆/2) samples, where k⋆ is a “generative” exponent associated with the model that we explicitly characterize. Moreover, we show that this sample complexity is also sufficient, by establishing matching upper bounds using a partial-trace algorithm. Therefore, our results pro- vide evidence of a sharp computational-to-statistical gap (under both the SQ and LDP class) whenever k⋆ > 2. To complete the study, we construct smooth and Lipschitz deterministic target functions with arbitrarily large generative exponents k⋆.  more » « less
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Author(s) / Creator(s):
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Publisher / Repository:
Conference on Learning Theory (COLT)
Date Published:
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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