- Award ID(s):
- 2130536
- 10556773
- Editor(s):
- Oh, A; Naumann, T; Globerson, A; Saenko, K; Hardt, M; Levine, S
- Publisher / Repository:
- Curran Associates, Inc.
- Date Published:
- Volume:
- 36
- 1049-5258
- 9781713899921
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- 30784--30806
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- Replicability, machine learning reproducibiliy pseudodeterminism sperner lemma kkm lemma secluded partitions
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Location:
- New Orleans
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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The notion of replicable algorithms was introduced by Impagliazzo, Lei, Pitassi, and Sorrell (STOC’22) to describe randomized algorithms that are stable under the resampling of their inputs. More precisely, a replicable algorithm gives the same output with high probability when its randomness is fixed and it is run on a new i.i.d. sample drawn from the same distribution. Using replicable algorithms for data analysis can facilitate the verification of published results by ensuring that the results of an analysis will be the same with high probability, even when that analysis is performed on a new data set. In this work, we establish new connections and separations between replicability and standard notions of algorithmic stability. In particular, we give sample-efficient algorithmic reductions between perfect generalization, approximate differential privacy, and replicability for a broad class of statistical problems. Conversely, we show any such equivalence must break down computationally: there exist statistical problems that are easy under differential privacy, but that cannot be solved replicably without breaking public-key cryptography. Furthermore, these results are tight: our reductions are statistically optimal, and we show that any computational separation between DP and replicability must imply the existence of one-way functions. Our statistical reductions give a new algorithmic framework for translating between notions of stability, which we instantiate to answer several open questions in replicability and privacy. This includes giving sample-efficient replicable algorithms for various PAC learning, distribution estimation, and distribution testing problems, algorithmic amplification of δ in approximate DP, conversions from item-level to user-level privacy, and the existence of private agnostic-to-realizable learning reductions under structured distributions.more » « less
Given a set of points $P = (P^+ \sqcup P^-) \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ for some constant $d$ and a supply function $\mu:P\to \mathbb{R}$ such that $\mu(p) > 0~\forall p \in P^+$, $\mu(p) < 0~\forall p \in P^-$, and $\sum_{p\in P}{\mu(p)} = 0$, the geometric transportation problem asks one to find a transportation map $\tau: P^+\times P^-\to \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$ such that $\sum_{q\in P^-}{\tau(p, q)} = \mu(p)~\forall p \in P^+$, $\sum_{p\in P^+}{\tau(p, q)} = -\mu(q) \forall q \in P^-$, and the weighted sum of Euclidean distances for the pairs $\sum_{(p,q)\in P^+\times P^-}\tau(p, q)\cdot ||q-p||_2$ is minimized. We present the first deterministic algorithm that computes, in near-linear time, a transportation map whose cost is within a $(1 + \varepsilon)$ factor of optimal. More precisely, our algorithm runs in $O(n\varepsilon^{-(d+2)}\log^5{n}\log{\log{n}})$ time for any constant $\varepsilon > 0$. While a randomized $n\varepsilon^{-O(d)}\log^{O(d)}{n}$ time algorithm for this problem was discovered in the last few years, all previously known deterministic $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximation algorithms run in~$\Omega(n^{3/2})$ time. A similar situation existed for geometric bipartite matching, the special case of geometric transportation where all supplies are unit, until a deterministic $n\varepsilon^{-O(d)}\log^{O(d)}{n}$ time $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximation algorithm was presented at STOC 2022. Surprisingly, our result is not only a generalization of the bipartite matching one to arbitrary instances of geometric transportation, but it also reduces the running time for all previously known $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximation algorithms, randomized or deterministic, even for geometric bipartite matching. In particular, we give the first $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximate deterministic algorithm for geometric bipartite matching and the first $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximate deterministic or randomized algorithm for geometric transportation with no dependence on $d$ in the exponent of the running time's polylog. As an additional application of our main ideas, we also give the first randomized near-linear $O(\varepsilon^{-2} m \log^{O(1)} n)$ time $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximation algorithm for the uncapacitated minimum cost flow (transshipment) problem in undirected graphs with arbitrary \emph{real} edge costs.more » « less
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We propose a fast stochastic Hamilton Monte Carlo (HMC) method, for sampling from a smooth and strongly log-concave distribution. At the core of our proposed method is a variance reduction technique inspired by the recent advance in stochastic optimization. We show that, to achieve $\epsilon$ accuracy in 2-Wasserstein distance, our algorithm achieves $\tilde O\big(n+\kappa^{2}d^{1/2}/\epsilon+\kappa^{4/3}d^{1/3}n^{2/3}/\epsilon^{2/3}%\wedge\frac{\kappa^2L^{-2}d\sigma^2}{\epsilon^2} \big)$ gradient complexity (i.e., number of component gradient evaluations), which outperforms the state-of-the-art HMC and stochastic gradient HMC methods in a wide regime. We also extend our algorithm for sampling from smooth and general log-concave distributions, and prove the corresponding gradient complexity as well. Experiments on both synthetic and real data demonstrate the superior performance of our algorithm.more » « less