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Title: Identification of two archaeal GDGT lipid–modifying proteins reveals diverse microbes capable of GMGT biosynthesis and modification

Archaea produce unique membrane-spanning lipids (MSLs), termed glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), which aid in adaptive responses to various environmental challenges. GDGTs can be modified through cyclization, cross-linking, methylation, hydroxylation, and desaturation, resulting in structurally distinct GDGT lipids. Here, we report the identification of radical SAM proteins responsible for two of these modifications—a glycerol monoalkyl glycerol tetraether (GMGT) synthase (Gms), responsible for covalently cross-linking the two hydrocarbon tails of a GDGT to produce GMGTs, and a GMGT methylase (Gmm), capable of methylating the core hydrocarbon tail. Heterologous expression of Gms proteins from various archaea inThermococcus kodakarensisresults in the production of GMGTs in two isomeric forms. Further, coexpression of Gms and Gmm produces mono- and dimethylated GMGTs and minor amounts of trimethylated GMGTs with only trace GDGT methylation. Phylogenetic analyses reveal the presence of Gms homologs in diverse archaeal genomes spanning all four archaeal superphyla and in multiple bacterial phyla with the genetic potential to synthesize fatty acid–based MSLs, demonstrating that GMGT production may be more widespread than previously appreciated. We demonstrate GMGT production in three Gms-encoding archaea, identifying an increase in GMGTs in response to elevated temperature in twoArchaeoglobusspecies and the production of GMGTs with up to six rings inVulcanisaeta distributa.The occurrence of such highly cyclized GMGTs has been limited to environmental samples and their detection in culture demonstrates the utility of combining genetic, bioinformatic, and lipid analyses to identify producers of distinct archaeal membrane lipids.

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Journal Name:
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  4. Summary

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