Oceanic heat strongly influences the glaciers and ice shelves along West Antarctica. Prior studies show that the subsurface onshore heat flux from the Southern Ocean on the shelf occurs through deep, glacially carved channels. The mechanisms enabling the export of colder shelf waters to the open ocean, however, have not been determined. Here, we use ocean glider measurements collected near the mouth of Marguerite Trough (MT), west Antarctic Peninsula, to reveal shelf‐modified cold waters on the slope over a deep (2,700 m) offshore topographic bank. The shelf hydrographic sections show subsurface cold features (
This study examines the link between near-bottom outflows of dense water formed in Antarctic coastal polynyas and onshore intrusions of Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) through prograde troughs cutting across the continental shelf. Numerical simulations show that the dense water outflow is primarily in the form of cyclonic eddies. The trough serves as a topographic guide that organizes the offshore-moving dense water eddies into a chain pattern. The offshore migration speed of the dense water eddies is similar to the velocity of the dense water offshore flow in the trough, which scaling analysis finds to be proportional to the reduced gravity of the dense water and the slope of the trough sidewalls and to be inversely proportional to the Coriolis parameter. Our model simulations indicate that, as these cyclonic dense water eddies move across the trough mouth into the deep ocean, they entrain CDW from offshore and carry CDW clockwise along their periphery into the trough. Subsequent cyclonic dense water eddies then entrain the intruding CDW further toward the coast along the trough. This process of recurring onshore entrainment of CDW by a topographically constrained chain of offshore-flowing dense water eddies is consistent with topographic hotspots of onshore intrusion of CDW around Antarctica identified by other studies. It can bring CDW from offshore to close to the coast and thus impact the heat flux into Antarctic coastal regions, affecting interactions among ocean, sea ice, and ice shelves.
Troughs cutting across the Antarctic continental shelf are a major conduit for the transport of dense shelf water from coastal formation regions to the shelf break. This study describes a process in which clockwise-spinning eddies moving offshore in prograde troughs successively entrain filaments of relatively warm Circumpolar Deep Water from offshore across the entire shelf and into the coastal region. This eddy-induced transport provides a new understanding of the shelf edge exchange process identified in previous studies and a mechanism for further onshore intrusion of the warm Circumpolar Deep Water over parts of the Antarctic shelf. The resultant onshore heat flux could potentially bring a substantial amount of heat from offshore into the coastal region and thus affect ice–ocean interactions through melting sea ice and ice shelves.
- 10528960
- Publisher / Repository:
- American Meteorological Society
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Physical Oceanography
- Volume:
- 54
- Issue:
- 8
- 0022-3670
- Format(s):
- Medium: X Size: p. 1613-1631
- Size(s):
- p. 1613-1631
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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