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This content will become publicly available on August 28, 2025

Title: Soil mycobiome dissimilarity, independent of fungal guild, is associated with increased probability of plant coexistence
Major theories regarding microbe‐mediated plant community dynamics assume that plant species cultivate distinct microbial communities. However, few studies empirically assess the role of species‐associated microbial community dissimilarity in plant competitive dynamics. In this study, we paired a competition experiment between eight annual forbs with characterisation of species‐associated fungal communities to assess whether mycobiome dissimilarity is associated with pairwise competitive dynamics.

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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Journal of Ecology
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Ecology
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  1. Abstract

    Interactions between plants and soil microbes can influence plant population dynamics and diversity in plant communities. Traditional theoretical paradigms view the microbial community as a black box with net effects described by phenomenological models.

    This approach struggles to quantify the importance of plant–microbe interactions relative to other competition and coexistence mechanisms and to explain context dependence in microbe effects.

    We argue that a mechanistic framework focused on microbial functional groups will lead to conceptual and empirical advances, as demonstrated by extending resource ratio theory to plant–microbe interactions. We review the diverse pathways by which different microbial functional groups can influence plant resource competition. Finally, we suggest approaches to link theory with observations to measure the key parameters of our framework.

    Synthesis: Our review highlights recent experimental advancements for uncovering microbial mechanisms that alter plant host resource competition and coexistence. We synthesize these mechanisms into a conceptual model that provides a framework for future experiments to investigate the importance of plant–microbe interactions in structuring plant populations and communities.

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  2. Abstract

    A major question in ecology is how often competing species evolve to reduce competitive interactions and facilitate coexistence. One untested route for a reduction in competitive interactions is through ontogenetic changes in the trophic niche of one or more of the interacting species. In such cases, theory predicts that two species can coexist if the weaker competitor changes its resource niche to a greater degree with increased body size than the superior competitor.

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    We found that killifish, which are the weaker competitor, had a much larger ontogenetic niche shift in trophic position than guppies in the community where competition is most intense (killifish–guppy only). This result is consistent with theory for size‐structured populations, which predicts that these results should lead to stable coexistence of the two species. Comparisons with other communities containing guppies, killifish and predators and ones where killifish live by themselves revealed that these results are caused primarily by a loss of ontogenetic niche changes in guppies, even though they are the stronger competitor. Comparisons of these natural communities with communities in which guppies were translocated into sites containing only killifish showed that the experimental communities were intermediate between the natural killifish–guppy community and the killifish–guppy–predator community, suggesting contemporary evolution in these ontogenetic trophic differences.

    These results provide comparative evidence for ontogenetic niche shifts in contributing to species coexistence and comparative and experimental evidence for evolutionary or plastic changes in ontogenetic niche shifts following the formation of new communities.

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  3. Abstract

    The prediction that higher biodiversity leads to denser niche packing and thus higher community resistance to invasion has long been studied, with species richness as the predominant measure of diversity. However, few studies have explored how phylogenetic and functional diversity, which should represent niche space more faithfully than taxonomic diversity, influence community invasibility, especially across longer time frames and over larger spatial extents.

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    With the pooled dataset, we found support for the long‐standing observation that communities with more native species have lower abundance of invasive species, and a more novel finding that more phylogenetically diverse communities had higher abundance of invasive species. We found no influence of aggregate (multivariate) functional diversity on invasion, but assemblages with taller plants, lower variability in plant height and lower seed mass were less invaded. Viewed longitudinally, the phylogenetic diversity relationship was reversed: the most phylogenetically diverse communities were most resistant to invasion. This apparent discrepancy suggests invasion dynamics are influenced by both site attributes and biotic resistance and emphasizes the value in studying invasion across time.

    Synthesis. Our results provide insight into the nuances of the diversity–invasibility relationship: invasion dynamics differed for different dimensions of diversity and depending on whether the relationship was evaluated longitudinally. Our findings highlight the limitations of using single time‐point ‘snapshots’ of community composition to infer invasion mechanisms.

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  4. Abstract

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    In perennial grasslands, we evaluated whether small‐seeded species are less tolerant of competition from the community dominant bunchgrass than large‐seeded species, but also less vulnerable to seed predation by mice. We also explored whether trade‐offs involving competitive tolerance include two other functional traits, height and leaf mass per area (LMA). We added seeds of 17 forb species to plots where bunchgrass competition and rodent seed predation were manipulated across sites varying in bunchgrass productivity and thus competitive intensity. Seeds were added at densities mimicking interspecific variation in fecundity among target species.

    Standardizing for differences in fecundity (i.e. seed input, which enabled us to evaluate inherent interspecific differences in susceptibility to biotic interactions), bunchgrass competition more greatly reduced recruitment and establishment of small‐ versus large‐seeded species, whereas rodent seed predation more greatly reduced the recruitment of large‐ versus small‐seeded species. Plant height and LMA were unrelated to the competition effect size.

    Small‐seeded species abundance decreased across sites increasing in bunchgrass productivity, whereas this was not the case for large‐seeded species. For adult plants but not seedlings, community‐weighted functional trait means (CWM) for seed size, height and LMA increased in plots with versus without bunchgrass competition and the CWM for seed size and height also increased at sites with greater bunchgrass productivity (for adults only). In contrast, rodent seed predation had no significant effects on CWM seed size.

    At the end of the experiment, adult abundance positively correlated with plant fecundity in plots lacking bunchgrass, indicating the inherent advantages accrued to high fecundity small‐seeded species. However, with bunchgrass competition, abundances were equalized across species due to reduced competitive tolerance of high fecundity small‐seeded species.

    Synthesis. Our results suggest that coexistence among subordinate forb species varying in seed size and fecundity is in‐part due to a trade‐off involving competitive tolerance and fecundity, mediated by seed size and associated functional traits.

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  5. Abstract

    Previous theoretical work has highlighted the potential for natural enemies to mediate the coexistence of species with similar life histories via density‐dependent effects on survivorship. For plant pathogens to play this role, they must differ in their ability to infect or induce disease in different host plant species. In tropical forests characterized by high diversity, these effects must extend to phylogenetically closely related species pairs. Mortality at the seed and seedling stage strongly influences the abundance and distribution of tropical tree species, but the host preferences and spatial distributions of fungi are rarely determined.

    We examined how host species identity, relatedness and seed viability influence the composition of fungal communities associated with seeds of four co‐occurring pioneer trees (Cecropia insignis,C. longipes,C. peltataandJacaranda copaia). Seeds were buried in mesh bags in five common gardens in the understorey of a lowland tropical forest in Panama and retrieved at intervals from 1 to 30 months. A subset of the seeds in each bag was used to determine germination success. One half of each remaining seed was tested for viability; and the other half was used to culture and identify seed‐infecting fungi.

    Seeds were infected by fungi after burial. Although fungal communities differed in viable versus dead seeds, and across burial locations, community composition primarily varied as a function of plant species identity (30.7% of variation in community composition vs. 4.5% for viability and location together), even for congenericCecropiaspecies. Phylogenetic reconstruction showed that relatedness of fungi mostly reflected differences betweenJacaranda(Bignoniaceae) andCecropia(Urticaceae).

    Although the proportion of germinable seeds decreased gradually over time for all species, intraspecific variation in survival was high at the same location (e.g. ranging from 0% to 100% forC. peltata) suggesting variable exposure or susceptibility to seed pathogens.

    Synthesis. Our study provides evidence under field conditions that congeneric tree species with similar life history traits differ markedly in seed‐associated fungal communities when exposed to the same soil‐borne fungi. This is a critical first step supporting pathogen‐mediated coexistence of closely related tree species.

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