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This content will become publicly available on October 28, 2025

Title: Assimilation of Radar Reflectivity Data Using Parameterized Forward Operators for Improving Short‐Term Forecasts of High‐Impact Convection Events
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Award ID(s):
Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
American Geophysical Union
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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    Assimilating radar reflectivity into convective-scale NWP models remains a challenging topic in radar data assimilation. A primary reason is that the reflectivity forward observation operator is highly nonlinear. To address this challenge, a power transformation function is applied to the WRF Model’s hydrometeor and water vapor mixing ratio variables in this study. Three 3D variational data assimilation experiments are performed and compared for five high-impact weather events that occurred in 2019: (i) a control experiment that assimilates reflectivity using the original hydrometeor mixing ratios as control variables, (ii) an experiment that assimilates reflectivity using power-transformed hydrometeor mixing ratios as control variables, and (iii) an experiment that assimilates reflectivity and retrieved pseudo–water vapor observations using power-transformed hydrometeor and water vapor mixing ratios (qυ) as control variables. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations are performed for 0–3-h forecasts from the five cases. The analysis and forecast performance in the two experiments with power-transformed mixing ratios is better than the control experiment. Notably, the assimilation of pseudo–water vapor with power-transformedqυas an additional control variable is found to improve the performance of the analysis and short-term forecasts for all cases. In addition, the convergence rate of the cost function minimization for the two experiments that use the power transformation is faster than that of the control experiments.

    Significance Statement

    The effective use of radar reflectivity observations in any data assimilation scheme remains an important research topic because reflectivity observations explicitly include information about hydrometeors and also implicitly include information about the distribution of moisture within storms. However, it is difficult to assimilate reflectivity because the reflectivity forward observation operator is highly nonlinear. This study seeks to identify a more effective way to assimilate reflectivity into a convective-scale NWP model to improve the accuracy of predictions of high-impact weather events.

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  2. Abstract

    To improve short‐term severe weather forecasts through assimilation of polarimetric radar data (PRD), the use of accurate and efficient forward operators for polarimetric radar variables is required. In this study, a new melting model is proposed to estimate the mixing ratio and number concentration of melting hydrometeor species and incorporated in a set of parameterized polarimetric radar forward operators. The new melting model depends only on the mixing ratio and number concentration of rain and ice species and is characterized by its independence from ambient temperature and its simplicity and ease of linearization. To assess the impact of this newly proposed melting model on the simulated polarimetric radar variables, a real mesoscale convective system is simulated using three double‐moment microphysics schemes. Compared with the output of the original implementation of the parameterized forward operators (PFO_Old) that rely on an “old” melting model which only estimates the mixing ratio of the melting species, the updated implementation with the new melting model (PFO_New) that estimates both the mixing ratio and number concentration of melting species eliminates the very large mass/volume‐weighted mean diameter (Dm) at the bottom of the melting layer and produces more reasonable melting layer signatures for all three double‐moment microphysics schemes that more closely match the corresponding radar observations. This suggests that the new melting model has more reasonable implicit estimates of mixing ratios and number concentrations of melting hydrometeor species than the “old” melting model.

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  3. In this study, a polarimetric radar forward model operator was developed for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model that was based on a scattering algorithm using the T-matrix methodology. Three microphysics schemes—Thompson, Morrison 2-moment, and Milbrandt-Yau 2-moment—were supported in the operator. This radar forward operator used the microphysics, thermodynamic, and wind fields from WRF model forecasts to compute horizontal reflectivity, radial velocity, and polarimetric variables including differential reflectivity (ZDR) and specific differential phase (KDP) for S-band radar. A case study with severe convective storms was used to examine the accuracy of the radar operator. Output from the radar operator was compared to real radar observations from the Weather Surveillance Radar–1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) radar. The results showed that the radar forward operator generated realistic polarimetric signatures. The distribution of polarimetric variables agreed well with the hydrometer properties produced by different microphysics schemes. Similar to the observed polarimetric signatures, radar operator output showed ZDR and KDP columns from low-to-mid troposphere, reflecting the large amount of rain within strong updrafts. The Thompson scheme produced a better simulation for the hail storm with a ZDR hole to indicate the existence of graupel in the low troposphere. 
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  4. In this study, a polarimetric radar forward model operator was developed for the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model that was based on a scattering algorithm using the T-matrix methodology. Three microphysics schemes—Thompson, Morrison 2-moment, and Milbrandt-Yau 2-moment—were supported in the operator. This radar forward operator used the microphysics, thermodynamic, and wind fields from WRF model forecasts to compute horizontal reflectivity, radial velocity, and polarimetric variables including differential reflectivity (ZDR) and specific differential phase (KDP) for S-band radar. A case study with severe convective storms was used to examine the accuracy of the radar operator. Output from the radar operator was compared to real radar observations from the Weather Surveillance Radar–1988 Doppler (WSR-88D) radar. The results showed that the radar forward operator generated realistic polarimetric signatures. The distribution of polarimetric variables agreed well with the hydrometer properties produced by different microphysics schemes. Similar to the observed polarimetric signatures, radar operator output showed ZDR and KDP columns from low-to-mid troposphere, reflecting the large amount of rain within strong updrafts. The Thompson scheme produced a better simulation for the hail storm with a ZDR hole to indicate the existence of graupel in the low troposphere. 
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  5. Abstract

    A variational retrieval of rain microphysics from polarimetric radar data (PRD) has been developed through the use of S-band parameterized polarimetric observation operators. Polarimetric observations allow for the optimal retrieval of cloud and precipitation microphysics for weather quantification and data assimilation for convective-scale numerical weather prediction (NWP) by linking PRD to physical parameters. Rain polarimetric observation operators for reflectivity ZH, differential reflectivity ZDR, and specific differential phase KDP were derived for S-band PRD using T-matrix scattering amplitudes. These observation operators link the PRD to the physical parameters of water content W and mass-/volume-weighted diameter Dm for rain, which can be used to calculate other microphysical information. The S-band observation operators were tested using a 1D variational retrieval that uses the (nonlinear) Gauss–Newton method to iteratively minimize the cost function to find an optimal estimate of Dm and W separately for each azimuth of radar data, which can be applied to a plan position indicator (PPI) radar scan (i.e., a single elevation). Experiments on two-dimensional video disdrometer (2DVD) data demonstrated the advantages of including ΦDP observations and using the nonlinear solution rather than the (linear) optimal interpolation (OI) solution. PRD collected by the Norman, Oklahoma (KOUN) WSR-88D on 15 June 2011 were used to successfully test the retrieval method on radar data. The successful variational retrieval from the 2DVD and the radar data demonstrate the utility of the proposed method.

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