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Title: Calculating Nitrogen Uptake Rates in Forests: Which Components Can Be Omitted, Simplified, or Taken from Trait Databases and Which Must Be Measured In Situ?
Quantifying nitrogen uptake rates across different forest types is critical for a range of ecological questions, including the parameterization of global climate change models. However, few measurements of forest nitrogen uptake rates are available due to the intensive labor required to collect in situ data. Here, we seek to optimize data collection efforts by identifying measurements that must be made in situ and those that can be omitted or approximated from databases. We estimated nitrogen uptake rates in 18 mature monodominant forest stands comprising 13 species of diverse taxonomy at the Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL, USA. We measured all nitrogen concentrations, foliage allocation, and fine root biomass in situ. We estimated wood biomass increments by in situ stem diameter and stem core measurements combined with allometric equations. We estimated fine root turnover rates from database values. We analyzed similar published data from monodominant forest FACE sites. At least in monodominant forests, accurate estimates of forest nitrogen uptake rates appear to require in situ measurements of fine root productivity and are appreciably better paired with in situ measurements of foliage productivity. Generally, wood productivity and tissue nitrogen concentrations may be taken from trait databases at higher taxonomic levels. Careful sorting of foliage or fine roots to species is time consuming but has little effect on estimates of nitrogen uptake rate. By directing research efforts to critical in situ measurements only, future studies can maximize research effort to identify the drivers of varied nitrogen uptake patterns across gradients.  more » « less
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Author(s) / Creator(s):
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Publisher / Repository:
Springer Nature Link
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Page Range / eLocation ID:
739 to 763
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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