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Title: AGN STORM 2. VIII. Investigating the Narrow Absorption Lines in Mrk 817 Using HST-COS Observations

We observed the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 817 during an intensive multiwavelength reverberation mapping campaign for 16 months. Here, we examine the behavior of narrow UV absorption lines seen in the Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph spectra, both during the campaign and in other epochs extending over 14 yr. We conclude that, while the narrow absorption outflow system (at −3750 km s−1with FWHM = 177 km s−1) responds to the variations of the UV continuum as modified by the X-ray obscurer, its total column density (logNH= 19.50.13+0.61cm−2) did not change across all epochs. The adjusted ionization parameter (scaled with respect to the variations in the hydrogen-ionizing continuum flux) is logUH= −1.00.3+0.1. The outflow is located at a distance smaller than 38 pc from the central source, which implies a hydrogen density ofnH> 3000 cm−3. The absorption outflow system only covers the continuum emission source and not the broad emission line region, which suggests that its transverse size is small (< 1016cm), with potential cloud geometries ranging from spherical to elongated along the line of sight.

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Publisher / Repository:
Astrophysical Journal
Date Published:
Journal Name:
The Astrophysical Journal
Page Range / eLocation ID:
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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